Social 20s
Great Depression
New Deal

What was prohibition?

The period of time between the 18-21st Amendments when making, selling, and transporting alcohol was illegal in the US.


What is credit?

buying goods now and paying the bill later


What is a bank run?

When everyone rushes to the bank at one time to withdraw money causing the bank to fail.

The New Deal refers to ________'s domestic and economic policies aimed at ending the Great Depression



What was America's position as WWII started in Europe?

isolationists, America First, non-interventionists


How did industrialization lead to changes in roles for women in the 1920s?

More people living in cities with money to spend resulted in women having more independence, challenging social norms (single women socializing outside the home, new " immodest" fashions, trending short hair cuts), women took new jobs in the city, availability of birth control gave women more control of family size and timing resulting in later marriages and childbirths.


How did credit lead to the depression?

Americans ran up large amounts of debt, as banks failed Americans didn't have savings and owed large sums, resulting in losing homes/farms/businesses.


What causes the Dust Bowl?

over-farming, drought, wind storms


Name the 3 Rs of the New Deal.

Relief, Recovery, Reform


What did the US do in response to Japan invading China?

Passed an embargo (refused to trade) on oil and other industrial resources


List 2 impacts of the Great Migration.

increased racial tensions in northern states/cities, creation of Black communities in the northern states/cities, Black Americans experienced more opportunity and equality, explosion of Black culture (art, music, literature, etc)


What made Henry Ford's cars affordable to the general public?

Use of the assembly line


List 2 effects of the Dust Bowl

large migration ("Okies")

property ruined by dust storms


FDR utilized ___________ in order to talk with Americans about how the government was working to solve the economy.

Fireside chats or radio


Name 3 ways Americans mobilized for war.

Rationing, buying war bonds, women working in factories, more minorities serving in the military, factories switching production to war goods, victory gardens, carpooling

What was the Red Scare?

time period of intense scrutiny regarding the fear of Communism


President Hoover's repsonse to __________ made him extremely unpopular.

The Great Depression or Bonus Army


List at least 6 causes of the Great Depression.

Buying on margin, high levels of personal debt, stock market crash, bank runs, high tariffs, laissez-fairre policies, excessive consmerisms (over buying), over production (both agriculture and industry), unchecked unemployment

What does the FDIC do?

Federal Deposit Insurance Coorporation (government backs up deposits in private banks, so that if the bank fails Americans will not lose savings)


Name 3 allies of the US during WWII.

Britain, France, Soviet Union, China 


How did the NAACP help Black Americans?

Provided legal services to people who couldn't afford it


Name three effects cars had on American society.

Creation of other industries (rubber, gas, glass),

People can live further from city centre (suburbs are created),

Increased individualism (people could travel where they wanted/when they wanted)


How did tariffs contribute to the Depression?

While they encourage Americans to buy American products, they also result in tariffs against American goods and end up slowing down economies across the world.


The ______ was the largest New Deal program; it put Americans to work building dams, roads, bridges, court houses, and other infrastructure. 

PWA (Public Works Administration)


Name 4 key battles from WWII.

Midway, Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, Stalingrad, Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, using atomic bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki