Great Depression
New Deal

Which of the following is one way in which the Constitution tried to create “limited government”?

A division of power between the national and state governments



What was the main importance of the Articles of Confederation?

It gave the United States a blueprint for adding new territory


The leader of the Palmer Raids, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer , believed that immigrants were "stirring discontent in our midst" and they had "unclean morals". What was this fear of immigrants called?

Red Scare



What did the whiskey rebellion prove?

President Washington's use of federal troops asserted the supremacy of the federal government over state governments.


What did the following programs do?




CCC- conservation efforts 

TVA- hydroelectric dams 

FDIC- Ensure money in the bank


During Reconstruction, why did southern states pass Black Codes?

To deny equal rights to African Americans 


Name 3 slang terms in which Americans used to mock Herbert Hoover during the depression.

Hoovervilles, Hoover blankets, Hoover flags, Hoover leather, etc. 


-The 18th Amendment to the Constitution 

- This "Noble Experiment," as it was called, is considered by most to have been a dismal failure. 

-Gave birth to organized crime and created more problems than it solved.

What do the statements above refer to ? 



What was the main criticism of President Roosevelt’s programs to combat the Great Depression?

They made people dependent on the Federal Government.


Which is considered the most lasting impact of the New Deal?

Social Security Act (SSA)


What was a major goal of the Progressive Era Reforms? HINT: Sherman Anti-Trust and Clayton Anti-Trust Act

correct abuses of big business


What was Herbert Hoover's solution to easing the Great Depression?

Provide no help at all for American citizens or businesses.


The men is this photo would have been opposed to what constitutional amendment?

19th amendment


What did Franklin Roosevelt wish to achieve through deficit spending?

Job creation for unemployed workers


What is the main purpose of the New Deal measures such as the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?

develop rules to limit speculation and help to protect savings


"It must be built. Now that the US is responsible for territories on both sides of the Americas, our ships must be able to travel quickly form ocean to ocean b by aiding the rebels against the Colombians, our nation better sits chances of acquiring the land needed for this necessary construction." -Theodore Roosevelt

What is this quote about?

panama canal


Which groups of people experienced the highest rates on unemployment?

Women and minorities 


During the 1920s, controversies concerning the Scopes trial, national Prohibition, and the behavior of “flappers” were a signs of disagreement over which of the following? What specific values (clash of cultures)

Modernist v Traditionalist 


Roosevelt's court packing plan is one of the most controversial moments of his Presidency. What is the main reason for this criticism during his administration?...It was a violation of what?

This legislative proposal was a violation of separation of powers


What was a major reason for creating the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in 1933? Think about the region of the map of in my PPT notes.

to improve conditions in a poor rural region


During the late 1800’s, many farmers supported the idea of bimetallism because it would do what?

Help farmers repay their loans


Name three causes of the Great Depression.

  1. Buying on Credit

  2. Stock Market Crash

  3. Bank Failures

  4. Gap Between Rich and the Poor

  5. Reduction in Purchasing 

  6. Hawley Smoot Tariff

  7. Dust Bowl


For what reason did the U.S. Senate reject membership in the League of Nations after World War I?

People feared that membership would pull the U.S. into wars.


How did Franklin D. Roosevelt's election to the Presidency in 1932 change the American perception of government?

The government should take an active role in solving economic problems


Which aspect of the New Deal were industrial workers most likely to support?

Wagner Act