Role of Human Resources
Changes in the Workplace
Workplace Resistance
Strategies for Reducing Resistance

What is one function of human resources?

What is

1. Recruitment and hiring

2. Onboarding and ongoing training and development

3. Managing employee and employer relationships

4. Creating a rewarding company culture 

5. Overseeing disciplinary action


What is an example of change in work patterns?

part-time work, 

  • temporary work, 

  • Freelancing

  • teleworking 

  • homeworking, 

  • flexi-time 

  • casual Fridays,

  • a three-day weekend

  •  and the gig economy


What is one reason why employees resist change in the workplace?

What is



Insufficient reward 

Lack of job skills 

Loss of control 


Poor communication 

Poor timing 

Prior experience 

Social support


What is the tool kit that was presented in this section of the presentation?

What is a bar chart?


What is Abdur's zodiac sign?

What is Leo?


What are two external factors that influence HR planning?

What is 

1. Immigration

2. Technological change 

3. Government regulation/laws 

4. Demographic change 

5. Social trends

6. State of the economy 

7. Changes to education 

8. Labour mobility 

9. Flexi-time, remote working, etc


How have there been changes in the work environment/labour pool?

What is increased migration, increased female participation and increased educational opportunities?


What are two reasons people resist change in the workplace?

What is



Insufficient reward 

Lack of job skills 

Loss of control 


Poor communication 

Poor timing 

Prior experience 

Social support


What is a bar chart?

  • A bar chart presents data with rectangular bars

  • It can be plotted vertically or horizontally

  • The bars are proportional in length to their values

  • It compares the different categories of a business

  • It is a powerful visual presentation of data


When is Bomin's birthday?

What is 20th of January?


What are three internal factors that influence HR planning?

What is 

1. Changes in the business organization 

2. Changes to business finance

3. Changes in labour reactions 

4. Changes in the business strategy


What are 2 examples of changes in work preferences?

  • career breaks  

  • job share 

  • downshifting 

  • study leave


What are three reasons, not mentioned earlier, that people resist change in the workplace?

What is



Insufficient reward 

Lack of job skills 

Loss of control 


Poor communication 

Poor timing 

Prior experience 

Social support


How many out of how many change initiatives fail?



What are Jihoo's top three TV shows?

What is FRIENDS, The Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family?

How do government regulations impact HR planning?

Changes in laws or government regulations regarding health and safety issues can influence a potential workforce. Laws or government regulations can affect maximum weekly working hours or contractual issues, such as equality in the workplace irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, or disability. Laws generally determine obligations such as pension provisions or retirement age. 


What is occupational mobility and geographical mobility?

Occupational mobility is the ability to switch between different occupations. Geographical mobility is the ability to move to different areas and find jobs.


How can a lack of job skills cause one to resist change in the workplace?

Lack of job skills - because employees nowadays are specialized and accustomed to perform a few tasks in a specific area of a business, they may not have the skills necessary to carry out their responsibilities in changed work environments.


What are the first three steps of reducing the impact on change?

  1. Develop a vision 

  2. Forecast and allocate resources 

  3. Involve employees in the change process


What are the four types of animals Jihoo has taken care of in his life?

What is a fish (guppies), bird (budgie), turtle (red-eared slider), and hamster?


How do changes in business finance bring about a change in HR planning?

The financial situation of a business will have a bearing on the HR plan. A business that has limited resources may not be able to pay the highest wages and salaries, which can affect recruitment and retention. Other financial factors can have an impact as well. For example, unfunded pension liabilities can influence available resources for the current workforce, or a significant increase in profitability may allow for a greater number of staff. 


What is an example of an impact on HR? Explain.

If a business wants to be innovative, there should be more of a focus on HR. HR will be required to hire innovative workers.

HR processes can also be impacted by the relationship they have between employees. Recently, ethics is also becoming more important as there is pressure from stakeholders and the internet for businesses to be ethical.

Cultural differences also affect the HR planning process if they have a multicultural workforce. Workers from different cultures have different working styles. Some factors include personal space and power distance. Power distance is how involved a worker is in the decision-making. A high level of power distance means the worker is less involved in the decision-making. It is important to train multicultural workers to reduce potential misunderstandings and friction that could occur. Additionally, hiring from different cultures can increase the number of perspectives and innovation.


How can poor communication cause resistance in the workplace?

Poor communication - without cultivating a culture of transparency and disseminating information to employees as often as possible when initiating a change in the workplace, employees may not only be lacking information concerning the reasons of change, but also not have adequate time to assimilate the information - this may lead to further pushback. In addition, if employees are not provided with information in a timely manner, especially in the fast paced world of social media, misinformation and discontent can spread rapidly in a workforce.


What are the three main reasons why change initiatives fail in the workplace?

What is the lack of gain from change, ineffective training, and the lack of communication within companies


An extract from Dwight School Seoul's website: From the very beginning, Dwight was designed to prepare graduates for admission to _______ and ____; our school’s namesake is ____'s twelfth President, Timothy Dwight V.

Fill in the blanks (NO devices). 

What is Harvard and Yale?