Break me down
Get movin'
It's getting hot in here
Shake it up!
What would you do?
A rock with jagged edges shows little sign of this process
What is weathering/erosion
According to the theory of plate tectonics, this layer is divided into plates
What is the lithosphere
Most volcanoes occur along this type of boundary.
What is a convergent boundary
The numerical scale of earthquake magnitude that takes into account the size of the fault rupture is called this.
What is moment magnitude scale
Seismic waves of an earthquake are more strongly felt at the epicenter of an earthquake for this reason.
What is the epicenter is directly over the focus, where the earthquake starts
Chemical weathering occurs most rapidly in this climate.
What is moist and warm
Draw the direction of convection currents responsible for creating a mid-ocean ridge and a trench. (Hint, you need two convection currents.)
Await answer on the board, basically (<)(>)
This type of boundary created the Applachian Mountains.
What is convergent.
The San Andreas Fault in California, a result of horizontal shear, is an example of this kind of fault
What is strike-slip
Contour plowing of crop areas is likely to prevent what process?
What is mass movement/ erosion
This is the smallest particle size in soil.
What is clay
The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are found near this feature.
What is a mid-ocean ridge.
Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle does this.
What is melts
Most earthquakes occur in this region.
What is in specific earthquake belts within the crust
Deaths associated with earthquake deaths in sloping areas can result from this process.
What is a landslide
Three factors that effect the weathering on a rock include these.
What is composition of the rock, exposure to atmosphere, and climatic conditions
The subduction of crustal plates has this influence on the rock cycle
What is heating and melting of rock layers form the parent material of igneous rocks
The locations of earthquake epicenters and volcanoes would indicate this.
What is they are mainly located in the same regions.
This type of wave squeezes and pulls rocks in the same direction as the wave travels.
What is a P-wave
An example of human-caused environmental change resulting in a catostrophic event (think mass movement) include this.
What is constructing a mountain highway causing a landslide
Sandstone in the desert can be shaped into mushroom formations by this process.
What is wind erosion
The primary cause of convection currents in the Earth's mantle is believed to be this.
What is the differences in densities of earth materials
The Pacific Crustal Plate must be moving in this direction over a hotspot to create the Hawaian Islands.
What is northwest
If the S-P wave interval is greater at a given seismic station, that means that station is at a _______ distance from the epicenter.
What is greater
Three examples of a creep occuring include these.
What are vertical structures become tilted, trees become bent, and underground pipes break