Context Clues 1
Context Clues 2
Context Clues 3
Context Clues 4
Context Clues 5

Put on an intrepid face and meet your fears head on.

A) brave 

B) sad

C) moody

D) curious

A) brave


The greedy little girl took all of the candy for herself and did not share.

A) nice 

B) sleepy

C) happy

D) selfish

D) selfish 


The children went around and around on the carousel at the fair.

A) balloons

B) merry-Go-Round

C) slide

D) radio

B) merry-go-round


I was the recipient of a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

A) king

B) sister

C) receiver 

D) goalee

C) receiver 


I heard some peculiar music yesterday.

A) red

B) unusual 

C) long

D) thin

B) unusual 


When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, we show patriotism.

A) colors

B) love of our country

C) happiness

D) tiredness

B) love of our country


The hungry bear devoured all the berries in the picnic basket.

A) ate

B) cooked

C) hid

D) roared

A) ate


We trudged up the hill through the mud and rain.

A) ate 

B) danced

C) swam

D) walked tiredly

D) walked tiredly


The young boy taunted the puppy by holding a bone in front of the puppy's nose.

A) flipped

B) colored

C) teased

D) sneezed

C) teased


The sluggish turtle laid down in the sand after a long walk.

A) quick 

B) happy

C) slow

D) hungry 

C) slow


The campers floated down the river in their kayak.

A) car

B) canoe

C) tent 

D) bike 

B) canoe


Harry looks indignant when he doesn't get what he wants. 

A) happy

B) strange

C) angry

D) lazy 

C) angry 


We saw a huge monument of Abraham Lincoln when we went to the museum - the sign next to it said, "do not climb". 

A) A photograph

B) An actual live person

C) something set up to honor a person or event

D) a journal  

C) something set up to honor a person or event


Native Americans developed a variety of different vegetables- corn, squash, and potatoes. 

A) the same

B) not enough 

C) too many

D) a number of different things

D) a number of different things


The water in some waterfalls plunges hundreds of feet to the bottom.

A) climbs 

B) falls upward 

C) falls quickly 

D) falls slowly 

C) falls quickly


These waterfalls are not so high, but their breadth is great.

A) width

B) height

C) flow

D) color 

A) width


Some model cars can look real because they are replicas of actual cars.

A) copies

B) memories

C) drawings 

D) pieces 

A) copies


In 1935, James Angel was the first American to witness the Angels Falls with his own eyes.

A) name

B) see

C) ride 

D) jump into 

B) see


The movie star’s large and beautiful home was palatial.                                  

A) ugly

B) tiny

C) for dogs

D) like a palace    

D) like a palace    


When I fell off the trampoline, I fractured my arm and wore a cast.                                      

A) rested

B) avoided

C) looked

D) broke



D) broke


Desktop computers became obsolete with the development of lap tops. 

A) out-dated 

B) popular 

C) careful

D) round


A) out-dated


The coach admonished her for picking daisies when she should have been defending the goal.              

A) listened

B) criticized

C) praised 

D) laughed 

B) Criticized


He tried to perturb his sister by putting his foot closer and closer to her side of the car.         

A) question

B) congratulate

C) encourage

D) irritate                                    



D) irritate  


She showed great prowess in the engineering competition and won first prize.     

A) patience

B) skill

C) anxiety 

D) anger                  


B) skill


I don’t wish to impede your progress, I was merely trying to make sure you understand the instructions. 

A) improve

B) exaggerate

C) slow

D) hide             



C) slow