Types of Families
Unhealthy and Healthy Relationships
Conflict Resolution
Health Services and Emergency Resources

True or False: There is no right or wrong way a family can look. 

True! Families come in all shapes and sizes and can include friends, pets, and anyone who supports you.  

Bonus 10 Points! Name a specific type of family and what it consists of. 


You ask your best friend if they want to take a picture. They do not say "yes" but they also do not say "no." 

What should you do? 

Do not take a picture of them. If there is not a clear "YES" in a situation, you did not receive consent. 


True or False: It is healthy for your best friend to want to know where you are at all times.

False! This may be a sign that you are in an unhealthy relationship.


True or False: Conflict is the same thing as bullying.


10 Bonus Points! How are they different?


Casey wants to talk to somebody about issues she is having at home. Who will be the most beneficial person for Casey to talk to at school?  

 Math Teacher 

 Guidance Counselor 


 Bus Driver 

Guidance Counselor!

Your guidance counselor is there to listen to any personal issues you may wish to talk about. 


A child who has only one parent is considered to be a part of a... 

Single-Parent Family 


True or False: Your family does not need to ask for your consent because they are related to you.

False! Everyone needs to ask for your consent, and you need to ask for theirs. 


Who can be in an unhealthy relationship?


Bonus 10 points! Describe a scenario where two people may be in an unhealthy relationship. 


True or False: It is beneficial to get a third opinion if you and your friend are having a conflict.

True! Involving a third party can create a safe and neutral space to work through conflict. 


You find somebody's wallet while walking down the street on Saturday. Who can you give it to to increase the possibility that the owner can find it?

Your teacher when you go to school on Monday 

A police officer at your local police station 

The closest business owner nearby 

Your guidance counselor

A police officer at your local police station.  


Give an example of a family member who provides love and support to a child who may have been separated from their biological parents.

Adoptive Parents, Foster Parents, Step-Parents, Grandparents, etc. 


Give an example of something you might have to ask consent for. 

(Responses will vary, the teacher assesses if the response is sufficient)


Sarah and Johnny are in a relationship. Sarah thinks it is healthy for her to go to an art class without Johnny. Johnny disagrees and says it is unhealthy for them to do anything without each other. Who is correct?

Sarah is correct; It is extremely healthy for people in relationships to do some things without each other.


Describe an everyday conflict you may experience with a friend at school. 

Responses will vary. The teacher assesses if the response is sufficient.


You are lost on your homework and your family is unable to help you. Which resource should be your next option?

Call 911 for help on your homework. 

Look up the answers online and copy them.

Write down your questions and ask your teacher for help the next day.

Tell your principal the next day that the work is too hard.

Write down your questions and ask your teacher for help the next day.


Some children have gay or lesbian parents. What type of parents do they have?

2 moms or 2 dads


True or False: Your teacher is allowed to take a photo of you without permission because she is in charge. 

False! EVERYONE needs to get your consent before they take a picture of you. 


True or False: Students must always agree to maintain a healthy relationship.

False! It is okay to have different opinions and preferences than your friends and family. You do not need to agree on the same things to be in a healthy relationship.


True or False: It is normal for conflict to occur in all relationships.

True! Conflicts occur in every relationship because we are all different people and have different opinions! It is how we handle the conflict that decides whether the relationship is healthy or unhealthy.


You are home alone and think you smell smoke, but you are not 100% sure. After exiting the home, which resource should you first call for help? 

Your neighbor to have them come over and check.

911 to report a possible fire.

Your best friend to tell them the story. 

Your guidance counselor so you can talk about your fear. 

911 to report a possible fire. 



Jamie's mom married Seth's dad and they now live in the same house. They are considered a...

Blended Family


True or False: If I say yes to something and then change my mind, it does not matter because I already said yes. 

False! Even if you say yes to something originally, you are allowed to change your mind and people must respect that. 

Bonus 10 Points! Provide an example of something someone may change their mind about. 


True or False: It is healthy for a friend to show up at your house to check on you if you do not answer their text message after 10 minutes. 

False! This is unhealthy because it oversteps boundaries. 

Harry and Molly often disagree over what they want to eat for dinner. How can they handle this conflict in a healthy way? 

Responses will vary. The teacher assesses if the response is sufficient.


Leaving school, you are walking down the street when you realize you have been separated from your older brother and are now alone. Which available resource would be the safest to ask for help? 

The first adult you see walking past you. 

The crossing guard who is helping other students cross the street. 

A college student who is walking to class. 

Another child who is waiting to be picked up by their parent.

 The crossing guard who is helping other students cross the street.