This note value is one beat in 4/4 time.
quarter note
this six stringed instrument is played with a pick and is featured in many pop songs.
medium loud
mezzo forte
What genre of music did we listen to yesterday
texas swing or western swing
This note value is counted 1& 2& 3& 4&
eighth note
Grand Piano
Played with emphasis (troll)
going down the chromatic scale, what solfege syllable come after La?
what are the 3 things we do before we sing
Think about starting pitch
What is the name of the first scale we sing every day?
Major Scale
smooth and connected (swan)
show the hand signal for the solfege syllable si.
on chart
look around the room. What is the name of the five horizontal line spaced evenly apart in music.
This note value is 2 beats in 4/4 time.
Half Note
This large brass instrument wraps around the player. It is certain type of Tuba sharing its name with the composer of Stars and Stripes Forever.
short and disconnected
what solfege syllable does the minor scale start with?
who is current secretary of state?
Marco Rubio
this note value is 4 beats in 4/4 time.
whole note
This plucked string instrument featured on the television show Spongebob is used in country and folk music regularly. It's sliding sound is unique.
with fire
con fuoco
going up the chromatic scale what solfege syllable follows Mi.
Name one of the 2 states in the USA that do not have counties.
Alaska or Louisiana