What is the architect of the death star (Mads Mikkelsen's character) named?
Galen Erso
Who was the Viceroy of the Trade federation?
Nute Gunray
Who kills Savage Opress?
Emperor Sheev Palpatine
What is the name of Jar-Jar binks' Species?
What is the Capital of Naboo?
What was the designated project name for the Death Star plans?
Project Stardust
Who created the Separatist Alliance?
Count Dooku
Who is the villain of the Umbara Arc?
Greedo from the original trilogy is what species?
Anchorhead. Bestine. Freetown. Mos Doba. Mos Eisley. Mos Elrey. Mos Entha. Mos Espa
Cassian Andor exclaims that he has been in the Rebellion since what age?
6 years old
Why did the separatists dislike the Republic?
Taxation, Corruption, Neglect of outer regions
Which Clone had a malfunctioning inhibitor Chip?
CT-5385 Tup
What creature was Luke stuffed into on Hoth in order to survive the cold climate?
What planet is Hera Syndulla and her father Cham Syndulla from?
"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director"
What is the name of the spider-like admiral who appeared multiple times in the Clone Wars series?
Admiral Trench
What makes Cut Lawquane a unique clone?
Desserting the army
Which species built the majority of the first death star?
On what planet did Saw Gerrera grow up as well as start his rebel career?
Which city gets obliterated by a test assult from the Death Star?
What was the Capital planet of the Separatist alliance?
What is the name of the clone trooper bar on Coruscant?
Bossk is which species?
What planet is Dooku's palace located on?