This is a story of unknown origin and authorship told in ancient times in an attempt to answer serious questions about how important things began and occurred.
This is the chief god in Greek mythology and the ruler of Mount Olympus.
This "All-Father" in Norse Mythology breathed life into the first human beings.
This first step in the hero's journey introduces us to the characters and setting.
The ordinary world
This kind of myths explain the origin of the universe and answer the fundamental question: How did we get here?
Creation Stories/ Creation Myths
According to the Greek creation myth, this was the initial state of the universe.
This grandfather to the gods had a son named Bor.
This step in the hero’s journey takes up the bulk of the journey.
Tests, Trials, Allies & Enemies
This part of speech is used to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object.
What is the authorship of most myths?
Poseidon, god of the sea, is also the god of horses and ____.
This blind god killed Balder unknowingly.
This is the name for the step in Mulan's hero's journey when her dad gets drafted to the army.
Call to Adventure
This homonym of "sight" is a word is used to describe a location or place.
This is how myths get passed down from generation to generation.
Through word of mouth; storytelling
This is the mother of the Titans.
This frost giant was killed by Odin and his siblings.
This first step in the hero's journey introduces us to the characters and setting.
The Ordinary World
This is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. This would answer the question "what" after the verb of the sentence.
Direct object
This is the Greek word meaning "word" or "story"
This section of the Underworld is the deepest, darkest region of the Underworld; scoundrels, thieves and murderers spend eternity there.
Put of Tartarus
This primordial cow emerged from the cold world of Niflheim and fed Ymir.
This character fits the villain archetype in "The Labors and Death of Heracles" the written myth.
List four of seven coordinating conjunctions
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So