Context Clues
Connotation Denotation
One for the Murphys
Figurative Language

What is an inference? 

An inference is an educated guess based on the evidence you find in the text.


What are context clues? 

Context clues are hints that help readers discover the meaning of unfamiliar words.


What is connotation? 

The emotional meaning behind words. They can be positive, negative, or neutral. 


What happened to Carley and her mother at the beginning of the book?

A. They were in a car accident

B. They were beaten by her stepfather Dennis.

C. They were in a fire.

D. Nothing has happened. They are fine.


B. They were beaten by her stepfather Dennis.


What is a simile? 

A. Language that appeals to the senses.

B. Comparing two different things while using like or as.

C. Comparing two different things WITHOUT using like or as.

D. Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words.  

B. Comparing two different things while using like or as.


Jessica's favorite part about the weekend was going to Rockin' Records with her friends. Rockin' Records was the local music store just down the road from her house. On weekend afternoons, Jessica and her friends would walk down to the store to shop for new music. What may the reader conclude about Jessica's friends?

A. They like music.

B. They like to exercise by walking places.

C. They do what Jessica tells them to do.

D. They live far away and drive to the store.

A. They like music.


Hurricanes and tornadoes are TREACHEROUS. Only a foolish person would go out during that kind of weather. What is the meaning of TREACHEROUS?



What is denotation? 

The literal dictionary definition of a word. 


How many children does Julie Murphy have?

A. 2 boys and 1 girl

B. 3 girls

C. 3 boys

D. 2 girls and 1 boy


C. 3 boys


What type of figurative language is this? "The firecracker made a loud ka-boom!"

A. Metaphor

B. Alliteration 

C. Onomatopoeia

D. Imagery 

C. Onomatopoeia


His mother understood then how Tyerell felt just by looking at him. She saw that he wanted to stay in the house forever because of all the memories he had at this old place. They still had to leave, but she wanted to help her son feel better about what was going to happen in a few days. The author assumes the reader most likely knows... 

A. Tyerell is too sentimental and needs to get over it.

B. Tyerell & his mom are moving.

C. Tyerell's mom is making her son upset on purpose.

D. Tyerell & his mom are going on vacation.

B. Tyerell & his mom are moving.


The hill was too ARDUOUS for us to climb. We had to walk our bicycles up it. What is the meaning of ARDUOUS?

Difficult, steep


Choose the most appropriate word(s) that can be inserted in the blank. Everyone in the office respects Casey because of her kind but __________ attitude. 

A. Assertive

B. Bossy 

C. Demanding

A. Assertive


What is the sport that Carley enjoys playing? 

A. tennis

B. soccer

C. baseball

D. basketball

D. basketball


What type of figurative language is this? "My mom will kill me if don't ace this test!" 



Daylight Savings time refers to the practice of setting our clocks an hour forward in the spring and back in the fall to maximize the amount of sunshine during our waking hours. Ben Franklin came up with the plan to "save" daylight by turning the clocks an hour ahead, thus bring our waking hours into closer harmony with daylight. What may the read conclude about Ben Franklin?

A. He liked to make people sleepy.

B. He is hated for his daylight savings idea.

C. He wanted people to increase their productivity.

D. He owned many clocks.


C. He wanted people to increase their productivity.


What are the 5 different types of context clues? 

Definition, Synonym, Antonym, Example, and Explanation. 


Which word choice is the most correct? "The local newspaper's front-page story indicated that $50,000 was (stolen, taken) from the town's largest bank during the night." 

"Stolen" because taken implies possible good intentions while stolen connotes thievery.


What scary event happened to Michael Eric in the book?

He had a seizure and went to the hospital. 


What type of figurative language is this? “The wind yells while blowing." 



You could say that bears are everywhere, but that's not true. They aren't native to Australia or Africa. You may think that the koala is a bear, but it is not a bear at all. Like the kangaroo, the koala, is a marsupial that has a pouch to carry its young.
The author refers to kangaroos most likely because- 

A. People know what koalas look like.

B. More people are familiar with kangaroos being marsupials.

C. Australia has many different animals.

D. Koalas are oddly shaped kangaroos.

B. More people are familiar with kangaroos being marsupials.


I'm really hungry! That apple didn't APPEASE my hunger. Now I want a sandwich. What is the meaning of APPEASE?

To satisfy 


Which word choice is the most correct? "The French are (noted, notorious) for their fine food."

"Notorious" because Noted implies somewhat known, while notorious indicates widespread fame.


What job did Dennis have? 

He was an Elvis impersonator. 


What type of figurative language is this? "Sally sold sea shells by the sea shore."
