This shark is considered the fastest in the world, reaching speeds of over 45 mph
What is the [Shortfin] Mako?
This hostile mob explodes if the player gets too close
What is the Creeper?
Spongebob's career
What is a frycook?
Author of the Book of Numbers
Who is Moses?
This beautiful and beloved language is widely considered to be the language of love
What is French?
The whale shark averages sizes of ___ feet long
What is 50-60 ft?
These mobs were previously able to be domesticated into cats before cats started naturally generating in villages.
What are ocelots?
Plankton's computer wife
Who is Karen?
Where is the first representation of Jesus mentioned, in the context of the Bible
What is Genesis 3:15?
This is the first language of the current pope ("Francis")
What is Spanish?
This common skincare ingredient gets it's name from sharks, and in fact used to be commonly derived from shark liver
What is squalane?
This dirt topping cannot spread like grass or mycelium. It generates in old growth taiga and bamboo jungle biomes.
What is podzol?
The name of this item (that I will pull up on a separate screen)
What is the Nasty Patty?
The prophet who lived in a cave and was fed by ravens
Who is Elijah?
This language is arguably the closest descendant of Latin
What is Italian?
This shark is estimated to live up to 250-500 years, making it the longest-living vertebrate
What is the Greenland shark?
These four mobs will change when struck with lightning
What are Villagers, pigs, creepers, and mooshrooms?
Spongebob couldn't get into the Salty Spitoon because he wasn't tough enough, so he went to this fine establishment instead?
What is Weenie Hut Jr's OR Super Weenie Hut Jr's?
The shortest book in the Bible
What is 3rd John?
This is the official language of Andorra
What is Catalan?
These structures, located around a shark's face, allow sharks to navigate and detect prey by sensing electricity
Ampullae of Lorenzini
When an evoker interacts with a blue sheep, this happens
What is the sheep turns red?
The name of the structure Squidward lives in under the sea. Hint: It is NOT called an "Easter Island Head"
What is a Moai?
The language in which most of the New Testament was given
What is Greek?
This is the only modern Romance language to have declensions for more than just pronouns
What is Romanian?