Personal and professional elements of everyday life--Flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, social skills
Life Skills
I notify my supervisor/boss/mentor/teacher in advance in case of absence.
I can speak in public, debate, present, or demonstrate an idea at my job/internship/classroom.
I am able to make a decision quickly and definitively.
Decision Making
At my job/internship, I do not wait to be told what to do. I determine what I need to do, and begin to do it.
Takes Initiative
Discern facts, publishing outlets, and the technology behind them--Information, media, technology
Literacy Skills
I dress appropriately for my position/internship/duties. I practice personal hygiene appropriate for my job/internship.
Workplace Appearance
I can interact and communicate with others in a friendly and courteous way. Shows respect for others’ ideas, opinions and racial and cultural diversity.
If a problem arises, I am able to identify the nature of the problem and evaluate the various ways of solving the problem.
Solves problems
I am able to identify my strengths and weaknesses.
Mental processes required to adapt and improve upon a modern work environment--Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication
Learning Skills
I arrive on time, take and return from breaks on time, and make sure to call supervisor/mentor/boss if I am running late.
I give my full attention when other people are speaking, and generally understand what is being said.
I can begin to gather more information about a problem by brainstorming with other team members, consulting more experienced colleagues, or acquiring knowledge through online resources
I set ambitious, yet attainable goals for myself in terms of education/employment/etc.
Goal Setting