Finding Credible News
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What does the word credible mean?

Credible means able to be believed; trustworthy.


What is private information? Give two examples.

Information that can be used to identify you because it is unique to you (e.g., your full name
or your address).


What is private and personal information?

Private information is the information which can identify you uniquely.

Personal information is the information which can't identify you uniquely.


What is corroboration?

An additional source that confirms or supports a news story, article, or piece of information.


What is identity theft?

A type of crime in which your private information is stolen and used for criminal activity.


What is Red Flag Feeling?

When something happens on digital media that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious.


Give three reasons to to consider a news fake.

Surprising information, Biased website, not a part of a government organisation, author's previous articles are biased, key points can't be corroborated.


What is phishing?

When someone poses as an institution, like a bank or a school, and sends you a personalised message asking you to provide private information


What are the steps of the Feelings and Options thinking routine?

1. Identify

2. Feel

3. Imagine

4. Say


Give three reasons to to consider a news questionable.

Information may be surprising but is not unbelievable, website is not part of a governmental organisation, author's bio or previous articles may show bias, or the article is an editorial or opinion piece, most key points can be corroborated.


List three different clues to a phishing message.

Sense of urgency, Spelling and grammar errors, Alert! Alert!, Friend in trouble, Shortened URL, Too god to be true, Generic or missing greetings.


Explain each step of the Feelings and Options thinking routine in brief.

1. Identify 

- Who are the different people involved in the situation? What dilemma or challenge are they facing? 

2. Feel 

- What are the people involved in the situation feeling? Why might the situation be hard or challenging for the people involved? 

3. Imagine 

- Imagine options for how the situation could be handled. Come up with as many ideas as possible. - Then choose which option might lead to the most effective outcome. 

4. Say 

- Once you choose the way to handle the situation, what would the people involved in the situation would say?


Give three reasons to to consider a news credible.

Information makes sense, part of governmental organisation, Author has no clear bias on the issue, and article is not an editorial or opinion piece, all key points can be corroborated.


Lew gets a notice from Apple. Because of new security rules, he must submit his Social Security Number (SSN) right away or he will lose all his photos. He knows where Mom keeps the SSN card. Should he do it? Why?


It triggers the following clues: Sense or urgency, Alert! Alert!, Asking for private information.