Vertex Form & Translating Parabolas
Vertex Form Problems
Complete the Square & Quadratic Formula
Complete the Square & Quadratic Formula Problems
Applied Quadratic Functions Problems

How would the parabola move according to the equation:

x2 + c

(Hint: what would happen if c was positive? negative?)

If c is positive, it would move up by c units

If c is negative, it would move down by c units


Express the function in vertex form:

a = -2, h = -1, k = -5

What is the vertex?

f(x) = -2(x + 1)2 - 5

vertex: (-1, -5)


Write out the quadratic formula. When can you use it?

To find the x-intercepts of a quadratic function in standard form


In the function f(x) = 4(x2 − 8x + ____) + 12, what number belongs in the blank to complete the square?



A juggler is performing her act using several balls. She throws the balls up at an initial height of 5 feet, with a speed of 13 feet per second. If the juggler doesn't catch one of the balls, about how long does it take the ball to hit the floor?

Solve for x: x = -0.285, 1.097 

Time can't be negative, so about 1.097 seconds


How would the parabola move according to the equation:


(Hint: what would happen if h was positive? negative?)

If h is negative, it would to the left by h units

If h is positive, it would move to the right by h units


Functions f(x) and g(x) are shown:

f(x) = x2

g(x) = x2 - 8x + 21

In which direction and by how many units should f(x) be shifted to obtain g(x)?

Right 4 units, Up 5 units


What are two ways to go from standard form to vertex form?

1. Complete the square

2. Find a and the vertex


In the function f(x) = 4(x2 − 8x + 16) ____ + 12, what number belongs in the blank to complete the square? (hint: check signs)



A golf ball is hit from the ground with an initial velocity of 196 feet per second. Assume the starting height of the ball is 0 feet. How long will it take the golf ball to hit the ground?

Find the solutions: x = 0, 12.25

We already know the starting height is 0, so take the other solution: 12.25 seconds


What information can you get from the vertex form:

f(x) = a (x - h)2 + k

(Hint: 4 parts)

a = concavity

h = moving left/right

k = moving up/down

(h, k) = vertex


Functions f(x) and g(x) are shown:

f(x) = x2

g(x) = x+ 18x + 15

In which direction and by how many units should f(x) be shifted to obtain g(x)?

(x+9)- 66

Left 9 units, Down 66 units


What is the discriminant/radicand? What does it tell you?

The expression under the square root of the quadratic formula

It tells you how many x-intercepts the quadratic function has


What is the standard form of 5(x - 2)2 - 5?

Solve for its solutions by using the quadratic formula.

5x2 - 20x + 15

x = 1, 3


Jules kicks a soccer ball off the ground and into the air with an initial velocity of 25 feet per second. Assume the starting height of the ball is 0 feet. What is the maximum height that the ball reaches?

Find the vertex: (0.781, 9.766)

Max height: 9.766


What is the standard form of an equation for projectile motion?

½ at2 + vt + x


Convert to vertex form:

4x2 + 12x - 3

Then find the concavity, vertex, y-intercepts, x-intercepts

4(x + 1.5)2 - 12

Concavity: up

Vertex: (-1.5, -12)

y-intercept: (0, -3)

x-intercepts: (0.232, 0), (-3.232, 0)


How can you tell how many x-intercepts a quadratic function has?

b2 - 4ac > 0 => 2 x-intercepts

b2 - 4ac = 0 => 1 x-intercept

b2 - 4ac < 0 => nox-intercepts


The cost to produce a product is modeled by the function f(x) = 8x2 − 32x + 48 where x is the number of products produced. Complete the square to determine the minimum cost of producing this product.

8(x - 2)2 + 16



A particle is moving along a projectile path where the initial height is 160 feet with an initial speed of 144 feet per second. What is the maximum height of the particle?

Find vertex: (4.5, 484)

Max height: 484 feet


What is the domain and range for quadratic functions? (Hint: How is concavity related to the range?)

Domain: All real numbers

Range: y-coordinate of the vertex, depending on the concavity

If the parabola is going up, it will be y >= y-coordinate

If the parabola is going down, it will be y <= y-coordinate


Convert to vertex form:

3x+ 12x - 10

Then find the concavity, vertex, y-intercepts, x-intercepts

Concave up

Vertex: (-2, -22)

y-intercept: (0, -10)

x-intercepts: (-4.708, 0), (0.708, 0)


What is the process for completing the square for the standard form of a quadratic function?

(hint: use 2x2 + 8x - 20 as an example)

1. Factor out a if it's not 1 from the terms with x

ex: 2(x2 + 4x) - 20

2. Identify b (the term with the x)

b = 4

3. Add (b/2)2 inside the parenthesis, subtract a(b/2)2 outside the parenthesis

2(x2 + 4x + 4) - 8 - 20

4. Simplify

2(x + 2)2 - 28


Studies show that employees on an assembly line become more efficient as their level of training goes up. In one company, the number of products P, produced per day, at a level of training of t hours, follows the quadratic model: 

P = -0.5t2 + 10t - 8

Complete the square to determine the hours of training that will give maximum products.

Find vertex: (10, 42)

10 hours for 42 products


Alexei wants to hang a mirror in his boat, and put a frame around it. The mirror and frame must have an area of 19 square feet. The mirror is 2 feet wide and 6 feet long.

Which quadratic equation can be used to determine the thickness of the frame, x?

What is the maximum thickness, x, that the frame can be?

4x2 + 16x

Solve for solutions: x = -4.958, 0.958 

Length cannot be negative, so x = 0.958