1 Kings 11
Why should you glorify God?
I should glorify God because He made me and takes care of me.
Who were our first parents?
Adam and Eve were our first parents.
What were Adam and Eve like when God made them?
God made them holy and happy.
Did Adam obey God?
No, Adam chose to disobey God.
How did God punish Adam's disobedience?
Adam's punishment was death and separation from God.
What is sin?
Sin is disobedience against God's perfect law by failing to do what God commands or doing what God forbids.
How did Solomon disobey God?
Solomon took many foreign wives. These wives led him into idolatry.
Why did Jeroboam make a false religion?
Jeroboam was trying to protect his kingship. Jerusalem was to the south in Judah, and he didn't want Israel going south to worship in Rehoboam's territory.
How was Ahab more wicked than any of Israel's previous kings?
Ahab officially introduced Baal worship into the nation of Israel.
What was Hezekiah known for?
Hezekiah was known for his great faith and for destroying all idols and high places.
Where did Solomon's sin start?
What two promises did God make to Jeroboam?
God promised to make him king over ten tribes of Israel, and He promised to make his descendants kings too if Jeroboam worshiped God.
How did Yahweh punish Israel for worshiping Baal?
Yahweh caused a drought, which showed that Baal did not really have any power to send rain.
What happened to defeat the Assyrian army?
The angel of Yahweh slaughtered 185,000 men in one night, and the rest went home.
What did Ahijah do to show that God was going to take Solomon's kingdom away?
Ahijah ripped a new robe into twelve parts and gave ten of them to Jereboam.
After Jeroboam became king over the ten tribes of Israel, what did he make?
He made a false religion, including two golden calves, two places of worship, lots of other places of worship, a new priesthood, and a new religious festival.
What contest did Elijah propose?
Baal's prophets would prepare a sacrifice to Baal, and Elijah would prepare one to Yahweh. Then they would pray and see if Baal or Yahweh would send fire to burn up the sacrifice. The one who sent the fire would prove to be the true God.
How did Rabshakeh attempt to undermine Judah's faith?
Rabshakeh claimed that Yahweh was unhappy with Elijah and Judah for destroying the idols and high places and that Yahweh could not save Jerusalem because Sennacherib had already defeat all of its other enemies and their gods.
How did God's promise that David's house will not be humbled forever come true?
It comes true in Jesus Christ, the Son of David. He lived a perfect life, conquered sin, and will one day return to reign as king over all the earth.
How did Jeroboam's sin affect Israel in the long term?
Because Israel embraced Jeroboam's false worship, Israel would be exiled from the promised land about 200 years later.
Explain the difference between the prayers of Baal's prophets and the prayer of Elijah.
Baal's prophets raved and cut themselves. Elijah prayed calmly, simply, and humbly because he knew the power rested in Yahweh and not in his own effort.
What happened to Sennacherib after Yahweh defeated his army?
His sons assassinated him in the temple of Dagon, his god.