Where were Daniel and his friends taken?
What was King Neb.'s full name?
King Nebuchadnezzar
What was everyone commanded to do by King Neb?
To bow down before a statue of himself.
What suddenly appeared at a feast?
the fingers of a human hand, writing on a wall
What was the punishment for disobeying the law of worship?
Thrown into the lion's den
What happened after 10 days of their special diet?
They were stronger, healthier and wiser than all other young men.
Why did Daniel interpret the King's dream?
Because he heard all the wise men were about to be executed!
When did people have to bow down to the statue?
At the sound of the musical instruments
How soon was the prophecy fulfilled
That very night Belshazzar was killed and Babylon conquered
What law was made to trap Daniel?
for 30 days, everyone was to pray to the King only
What did Daniel and his friends decide to eat?
Why did King Neb. ask the wise men to first tell him his dream?
He was testing them to see if their interpretation and revelation were from 'the gods'
What punishment would there be if they disobeyed Neb's command?
they would be thrown into the fiery furnace
What did Belshazzar bring to the feast?
gold and silver goblets from the temple in Jerusalem
Where did Daniel pray 3 times a day?
in the upper room of his home
Who refused to bow down to King Neb's statue?
Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego
What were the 4 metals in the statue?
gold, silver, bronze, iron
What happened right before Daniel's friends went into the fiery furnace?
King Neb. told them to make the furnace 7 times hotter
Whom did Belshazzar praise as they drank from the sacred goblets?
the 'gods' of gold, silver, bronze, iron
How did God protect Daniel?
He sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions
What were Daniel's friends Hebrew names?
Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah
What did the dream represent?
The metals = kingdoms, the rock = God's kingdom that would crush the others and never fail
How did Daniel's friends show they trusted in God?
What words were written on the wall?
What is a satrap?
A Governor