It's OK Punn
Olney, Illinois
Gene Pool
Not My Type

What is the probability of this Punnett Square having dominant recessive genes

What is 75%


This is the main difference between the squirrels

what is fur/eye color


If the genes for long rounded ears are star, plus, pentagon (twice), which symbol/shape is the genes?

What is the white/clear circle


What is the number of chromosomes we get from each parent?

What is 23


Which box is the recessive gene

What is rr


The Squirrels with white fur and pink eyes are know to be this

what is albino


what shape is  the pentagon, star, cross and cross, pentagon, star?

What is the black triangle


Bob's mom is recessive for curly hair and his dad is Dominant recessive for straight hair. What is the probability of Bob's hair being curly? 

What is 50%


This is what the squirrels have become in the town.

What is the mascot


My squirrel has a medium fluffy tail and med pointed ears, according to the chart, my shapes are

what are a dark circle and a white triangle


What are the letters called that the arrow is pointing to?

what are Dominant alleles


This many squirrels were spotted in the town 80 years ago

How many is 800


Which two shapes will create short pointed ears and brown eyes

what is pentagon, star, cross & star, pentagon, star then cross, pentagon, star (twice)


Sally's dad was dominant for brown eyes and her mom was dominant recessive for blue eyes. How many of Sally's siblings will have blue eyes if there are four children?

How many is  2 siblings?


Baby squirrels are also know for this

what are kittens


If my squirrel ear type represents a is dark circle and a white triangle what will my shapes be?

what is a cross, pentagon, star (twice) and a pentagon, star, cross and a star, plus, pentagon