ringing in the ears
different views recorded on EKG
used to test for visual acuity
Snellen chart
when is the first dose of Hep B given
at birth
Ishihara plates are used for
colorblind testing
age related hearing loss
Error mark on an EKG
a specialist who can take care of eye issues (not visual acuity)
fever and rubbing ears could indicate
ear infection
The Jaeger chart is used to test for
hyperopia-near vision
ear injury that can be caused by a sharp object or explosion
ruptured eardrum
transmission of electrical impulse begins
SA Node
lazy eye
most toddlers can walk by
15 months
cloudy, opaque areas on the lens
increasing decibels in a hearing test makes the sound
wave/movement above or below the baseline
apply pressure at the inner corner of the eye
prevent systemic absorption of eye medication
the way a child relates to others as they grow
social development
distorted vision due to the cornea being unevenly curved
when patients have a hard time hearing you can
face the patient when speaking so they can lip read
delays electrical impulse so the atria can contract and ventricles can fill
AV node
flashing light or floating black shapes
Retinal Detachment
introduce strained fruits and veggies at what age
6-8 months
eye disease withvision loss in the center and peripheral vision remains intact
macular degeneration