Received from banks / financial institutions and usually has low interest rates and easy terms.
What are student loans
This is calculated on both the initial principal and all of the previously accumulated interest.
What is compound interest
How many events do you do for the cadet challenge?
What is 5
True/False - Respect pet peeves is a good tip for good roommate relationships?
What is true
How long is a typical college semester?
What is 15 weeks
This institution normally awards Associate Degrees (2 year), open enrollment and cheaper, fewer degree options and has limited sports and “college experiences”, OPEN ENROLLMENT
What is a community college
Stock market average rate of return is?
What is 10%
a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs.
What is a curl up
True/False - Developing your reading level is a JROTC core ability.
What is false
How many credit hours are required to receive a bachelors degree?
What is 120
How many credit hours are in 5 typical classes?
What is 15
This is a type of savings account that pays a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account
What is a high yield savings account.
Running 30-feet twice and picking up a block at each end is what event?
What is a shuttle run
These describe the broad, life-long skills that every Cadet needs for success in all career and life roles.
What are JROTC core abilities
This degree is a 4 year bachelor degree plus additional schooling.
What is a Masters degree
Free money provided for academic achievements, sports or through businesses or community organizations
What are scholarships
A tax-advantaged personal savings plan where contributions may be tax deductible. Average rate of return between 7%-10%
What is an IRA
Stretching a number of inches past an established baseline is what event?
What is the V sit and reach
Two different financial aid applications that Florida seniors can apply for?
What is FAFSA and FFAA