What is the full form of HTML?
Hypertext Markup Language
What is the use of HTML?
HTML is used to create webpages
List the types of heading tags.
Where is <link> tag written in the HTML file?
inside the <head> tag
i.e., <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
Write down the syntax of an HTML element?
<tag name> content </tag name>
What is the full form of CSS?
Cascading Style Sheets
What is the use of CSS?
CSS helps in styling the webpage
Name the 4 empty tags
Which are the two ways of giving a color to any tag?
1. By specifying the name
2. Using RGB tool
What is a rule set in CSS?
A set of rules to specify a style for the selected element.
Which out of the following tags help in creating lists?
1. <li>...</li>
2. <list>...</list>
3. <ol>...</ol>
3. <ol>...</ol>
Which are the two categories of tags in HTML? Explain in brief.
Empty tags - which requires no closing tag
Container tags - which has both opening and closing tags
Give an example of a rule set in CSS.
font-size: 24px;}
Any other example of rule set.
If anything should get displayed as a content of a webpage, where should it be placed in the HTML file?
inside the <body> tag
What are the extensions of HTML and CSS files.
Give an example of an element in HTML
<p> Hello </p>
<h1> Hello </h1>
Write the tag to link an HTML file with the CSS file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
Mention any 4 property-value pairs that can be applied to img ruleset.
border-style: solid;
Any other would also work
Identify the error in the following code (rule set):
1. semicolon is missing at the end of value red
2. curly brace missing at the end of rule set
Write down the syntax of writing a rule set.
Write down the basic structure of HTML web pages.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Look at the code given below and guess the output
- Dance
- Sing
- Read
What is the syntax to write the code for special characters in HTML?
Write down the HTML code for the following special characters:
1. >
2. <
3. &
4. "
Syntax: &code;
> - >
< - <
& - &
" - "
Write the code to display the word "Hello" in all the different heading sizes in ascending order.
Which out of the following properties help in changing the size of the text?