Doctrine and Covenants section 13
Which section talks about the restoration of the priesthood in 1829?
Keep the commandments and endure to the end
How do you receive eternal life?
Golden plates, breastplate, sword of Laban, and the Urim and Thumim
What were the things that Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris were told they could see if they were faithful?
Twelve Apostles
How many special witness of Christ will be called in the latter days, just as they were in the days when Christ lived on the earth?
Alpha and Omega
What is another name of Jesus Christ?
Oliver Cowdery
Who was the man with Joseph Smith when the Aaronic Priesthood was restored?
Ask and knock
What must we do to receive knowledge from God and have his teachings opened to us?
What must the witnesses do after they have seen the promised items?
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer
Who was told to find twelve apostles to serve in the restored church?
What will happen to every person who does not repent?
John the Baptist
Who appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
Ask, believe, receive the Holy Ghost
What must we do to be a witness and declare repentance in the latter days?
June 1829
When did the three witnesses see the golden plates?
Gentiles and the House of Israel
Who must be called to repentance because the world is "ripening in iniquity"?
Which people is a remnant of Israel?
Peter, James, and John
Who directed John the Baptist to return the Aaronic Priesthood to the earth, and promised that they would also restore the Melquizedek Priesthood?
Jesus Christ
Who is the son of the living God, creator of heavens and earth, and a light which cannot be hid in darkness?
Brother of Jared
Who was given the Urim and Thumim when he saw the Lord anciently?
Worth of souls
What is great in the sight of the Lord?
Faith, repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost
What are the only things that should be preached to those who should be converted?
Ministering of angels, gospel of repentance, and baptism by immersion.
David Whitmer
Who was called to assist in the translation and publishing of the Book of Mormon?
Sword of Laban and Liahona
What did Lehi bring with him that the three witnesses saw?
What causes Jesus to have joy?
Who must be paid with money Martin Harris will get by selling his farm?