6 AM In 24 Hour Time
What is 0600?
1 PM in 24 Hour time
What is 1300?
How would you convert a conventional AM time to 24-hour time
You would add a zero in front unless its a double digit number. If its 12 AM then its all zeros.
1 AM In 24 Hour Time
What is 0100?
6 PM in 24 Hour Time
What is 1800?
How would you convert a conventional AM time to 24-hour time
You would add 12 to the original number unless its 12 pm
11 AM in 24 Hour Time
What is 1100?
11 PM in 24 Hour Time
What is 2300?
Where would you see 24 Hour Time be used?
The Corps, Airports any other examples.
10 AM in 24 Hour Time
What is 1000?
9 PM in 24 Hour Time
What is 2100?
12 AM in 24 Hour Time
What is 0000?
12 PM in 24 Hour Time
What is 1200?
Why is 24-Hour Time used
It allows for more precision and clarity than conventional time gives.