The universal message or lesson of a text
What is theme?
A group of lines in a poem
What is a stanza?
Example: Home is where happiness is found.
What is a theme?
There is a selection from The Diary of a Young Girl that lists how Jews were forbidden to use streetcars, ride in cars, from theaters, etc.
Example: Harsh laws severely limited the activities in which Jews could participate.
What is the central idea?
An author/speaker's attitude about the topic/subject
What is tone?
The main point expressed in a literary work
What is central idea?
Type of Poem:
Beaming, the teacher scrawls / An A+ in the corner and tapes / It to the green blackboard
What is a narrative poem?
When an author reveals a character’s personality through his/her own words and actions
What is indirect characterization?
In nonfiction writing, this is usually to inform or to persuade.
What is author's purpose?
What is prose?
The perspective from which a story is told
What is author’s point of view?
Type of Poem:
how come my knees are / always so ashy / what if I die / before the morning comes
What is a lyric poem?
The narrator knows everything that happens, including the thoughts and feelings of each character.
What is third-person omniscient point of view?
This influences the reader’s understanding and interpretation of an informational text through biases and perspective.
What is author's point of view?
A word’s emotional association
What is connotation?
The author’s reason for writing
What is author’s purpose?
Example: The title “Hanging Fire” represents a teenager’s internal dilemma of being stuck between childhood and adulthood.
What is symbolism?
The narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character, usually the main character.
What is third-person limited point of view?
An author considers this when using the word overrun instead of occupied.
What is word choice/connotation?
Example: The medicine bag represents Martin’s respect for his grandfather and acceptance of his family heritage.
What is symbolism?
Factors outside of a character’s control that cause them to take a particular action
What is external motivation?
One type expresses personal emotions, while the other tells a story.
What is the difference between lyric poetry and narrative poetry?
You determine this by making an inference based on details provided in the text.
What is an implied central idea?
Like chimps, elephants can recognize their reflections in mirrors; Elephants tear off branches of trees to use as fly swatters; Elephants have been seen keeping vigil over their dead companions
What are supporting details?
Example: In The Diary of Anne Frank, Act II, Mrs. Van Daan becomes extremely upset when her husband insists on selling her fur coat.
What is character motivation?