What is the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees?
Deciduous trees lose their leaves, evergreens do not
What is blubber and why do animals like walruses and polar bears have it?
A think layer of fat to keep warm
Why is chlorophyll important to trees?
It provides nutrients
How are needles beneficial to evergreen trees?
They are thin and pointed down to help heavy snow and ice slide off branches
Why do polar bears stay by holes in the ice?
They are waiting for seals/walruses to come up for air so they can eat them
What do fungi, like mushrooms and mold, do?
Break down/decompose dead plants and animals
Where does the green coloring in deciduous trees go in the autumn and why?
It gets sucked into the truck of the trees so nutrients aren't lost when the leaves fall
What are flippers used for and what do they look like?
Hands with thin skin/webbing between the fingers; used for speed/steering underwater
What is "papillae"? Name two animals that have it.
Raised bumps on an animal's paw pads used to keep it from slipping; bears, dogs, and cats