Plaque is made of?
What is soft deposit/s?
stains located inside the tooth
What are intrinsic stains?
volcanic rock
What is pumice?
upper right 1st molar
What is tooth #3?
preferred method of hand hygiene
What is handwashing with antimicrobial soap?
reduces interproximal bleeding.
What is dental tape?
What is Fluorosis?
a dental procedure that fills teeth with a mixture of metals and mercury
What is amalgam filling?
What is UR Canine?
PPE sequence
What is lab coat, mask, eye protection, gloves
covering over the enamel
What is Nasmyth's Membrane?
common in females with good oral hygiene
What are black line stains?
technique uses a specially designed handpiece with a nozzle that delivers high pressure steam of warm water and sodium bicarbonate
What is air-powder polishing?
#7 and 10
What are maxillary lateral incisors?
removes bioburden
What is cleaning/precleaning?
also called Deciduous teeth
What is primary teeth?
rinse used when a patient has green chromogenic stains
What is 3% hydrogen peroxide solution?
used for ceramic, zirconia crowns
What is diamond polishing paste?
all wisdom teeth
What are tooth #s 1,16,17,32
What is the proper technique for surface disinfection?
incremental rings, like growth rings of a tree, representing variations in the deposition of the enamel matrix during the formation of the tooth.
What is Lines of Retzius?
stains that are caused by environmental factors
What are exogenous stains?
known as "whiting"
What is chalk?
What is the primary UR central incisor?
hand scrubbing
What is the least preferred method of cleaning instruments?