Where is cheese from?(国)
It is from ___________.
Cheese is from Italy.
Where is Mr. Kanno from?
He is from___________.
Mr.Kanno is from Fukuoka.
Where is Degawa Tetsuro from?(市)
He is from ________.
He is from Yokohama
Where is baseball from?(国)
It is from _____________.
Baseball is from the USA.
Where is Minamotono Yoritomo(源頼朝)from? (時代)
He is from _____________.
He is from Kamakura period.
Where is Tanful(タンフル)from?(国)
It is from ____________.
Tankful is from Korea.
Where is Mr. Nakagawa from?(県)
He is from ____________.
He is from Osaka.
Where is Messi(リオネル・メッシ)from?(国)
He is from _____________.
He is from Argentina.
Where is dodge ball from?(国)
It is from ___________.
It is from the UK.
Where is Chikamatsu Monzaemon(近松門左衛門)from?(時代)
He is from __________.
He is from Edo period.
Where is beef bowl from?(国)
It is from ___________.
It is from Japan.
Where is Ms. Kinoshita from?(県)
She is from ____________.
She is from Kanagaawa.
Where is Amuro Namie(安室奈美恵)from?(県)
She is from ____________.
She is from Okinawa.
Where is Boccia(ボッチャ)from?(国)
It is from _________.
It is from Greece.
Where is Tsuda Umeko(津田梅子)from?(活躍した時代)
She is from ____________.
She is from Meiji period.
Where is Sanmamen(サンマーメン)from?(県)
It is from ___________.
It is from Kanagawa.
Where is Mr. Nabata from?(県)
He is from __________.
He is from Gifu.
Where are Wright Brothers(ライト兄弟)from?(国)
They are from _______.
They are from the USA.
Where is golf from?(国)
It is from ______.
It is from Netherland.
Where is from Oda Nobunaga from?(県)
He is from __________.
He is from Aichi, Owari.(愛知,尾張地方)
Where is croissant (クロワッサン)from?(国)
It is from _____.
It is from Austria.
Where is Ms. Yoshida from? (日本の中の特定の場所)
She is from _________.
She is from Disneyland.
Where is Kitty White from?(国)
She is from __________.
She is from England.
Where is Sport Boules(スポールブール)from? (国)
It is from ___________.
It is from France.
Where is Nakatomino Kamatari(中臣鎌足)from?(時代)
He is from ___________.
He is from Asuka period.