Sharp, Flat, Double sharp, Double Flat or Natural
What is an accidental?
Major scale with 0 sharps and 0 flats
What is a C Major scale?
Minor scale with 1 flat
What is a D minor scale?
A sharp equivalent(s).
What is a Bb or Cbb enharmonic tone?
Major Third & Minor Third
What is a Major Triad?
"bb" symbol
What is a Double flat?
Major scale with 2 sharps
What is a D major scale?
Minor scale with 1 sharp
What is an E minor scale?
B sharp equivalent(s).
What is a C natural or Dbb enharmonic tone?
Minor Third & Major third
What is a Minor Triad?
What is a Double Sharp?
Major scale with 4 sharps
What is an E Major scale?
Minor scale with 3 flats
What is a C minor scale?
E sharp equivalent(s).
What is an F natural or Gbb enharmonic tone?
Major Third & Major Third
What is an Augmented Triad?
The musical distance between two notes.
What is an interval?
Major scale with 6 flats
What is a Gb major?
Minor scale with 3 sharps
What is an F# minor scale?
E natural equivalent(s).
What is an F flat or D double sharp enharmonic tone?
Minor Third & Minor Third
What is a Diminished Triad?
Form of a minor scale with a raised 6th/7th degree ascending, and a lowered 6th/7th degree descending.
What is a melodic minor scale?
Major scale with 5 flats or 7 sharps
What is a Db or C# major scale?
Minor scale with 5 flats or 7 sharps, and a raised 6th degree ascending/descending.
What is a Bb or A# harmonic minor scale?
C sharp equivalent(s).
What is a D flat, B double sharp and an E triple flat enharmonic tone?
Gb, Ab and C
What is a Diminished Triad?