Summarizing & Responding
Critical Thinking
Sentence Grammar
Punctuation & Mechanics

True or false: When summarizing, readers should not be able to tell whether you agree or disagree with the ideas you are summarizing.



True or false: An argument addresses a problem for which an absolute answer exists.



Correct this comma splice by separating the clauses into two sentences: Education is an elusive word, it often means different things to different people.

Education is an elusive word. It often means different things to different people.


True or false: You should not capitalize a word indicating a family relationship unless the word is used as part of the name or as a substitute for the name.

True. Example: Mother versus my mother


Add a comma after the introductory element in this sentence: To our surprise the fundraising auction raised enough money to build a new technology center.

To our surprise, the fundraising auction raised enough money to build a new technology center.


Name one of the four common summarizing mistakes.

Possible answers: 

1) summarizing too much

2) summarizing too little

3) summarizing the wrong issue

4) a list summary


What are the Greek words for the three types of appeals a writer can use in constructing an argument?

ethos, pathos, logos


Correct this fused sentence by linking the clauses with a semi-colon: Don’t throw your soda cans in the trash recycle them.

Don’t throw your soda cans in the trash; recycle them.


Insert or delete hyphens as necessary in this sentence: Line-up quietly and wait for my signal.

Line up quietly and wait for my signal.


Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet) to combine these two sentences into one sentence: My mother rarely let us have candy. Halloween was a special occasion.

A few options:

My mother rarely let us have candy, but Halloween was a special occasion.

My mother rarely let us have candy, so Halloween was a special occasion.


True or false: You should introduce critical objections to your argument even if you are not able to successfully overcome them.



To develop an argument based on logos, what type of support might you provide?

Facts, figures, statistics, surveys, polls, studies, interviews. Logos arguments are based on facts and reason.


Revise to eliminate any sentence fragments: Much of New Orleans is below sea level. Which makes it susceptible to flooding.

Much of New Orleans is below sea level, which makes it susceptible to flooding.


Select the correct use of its/it's in the following sentences: This disease is unusual; Its/It's symptoms vary from person to person. Its/It's a difficult disease to diagnose.

This disease is unusual; Its symptoms vary from person to person. It's a difficult disease to diagnose.


Are the commas in the following sentence necessary? Many parents, of gifted children, do not want them to skip a grade.

No. Many parents of gifted children do not want them to skip a grade.


Describe the sandwich quote approach.

Explain who is speaking and set up what the quotation says. Quote accurately and include the correct citation. Explain why you consider the quotation to be important and what you take it to say.


In the Toulmin system, what is the term for the stated or unstated assumption that underlies the argument?

the warrant


Revise the following sentence as needed to create pronoun-antecedent agreement: Everyone should know his legal rights.

Everyone should know their legal rights.


Use quotation marks appropriately to revise the following sentence: Should America the Beautiful replace The Star-Spangled Banner as the national anthem?

Should “America the Beautiful” replace “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the national anthem?


Use commas to set off any nonrestrictive elements that may be present in this sentence: The rescue workers exhausted and discouraged stared ahead without speaking.

The rescue workers, exhausted and discouraged, stared ahead without speaking.


What are the two questions that a writer must answer to explain why a topic matters?

So what?

Who cares?


What are the warrants for the following claim? Victor must be an American citizen because he was born in Texas.

People born in America are citizens. Texas is a part of America.


Revise the following sentence to clarify pronoun reference: Grace hurried to call her sister before she flew to Brazil.

Possible answers: 

1) Before Grace left for Brazil, she hurried to call her sister. 

2) Grace hurried to call her sister before her sister left for Brazil.


Insert an ‘s or an apostrophe alone to form the possessive case of the words with asterisks: Jane Austen* and Charles Dickens* writing styles couldn’t be more different.

Jane Austen's and Charles Dickens's writing styles couldn’t be more different.


Insert the missing comma in this compound sentence: Farah waited for Samir and her sister grew impatient.

Farah waited for Samir, and her sister grew impatient.