In the lyrics of the song, it's how long "I've Been Working on the Railroad"
All the live long day.
This royal title is from the Egyptian for "house"
If Brandy & Monica have 2 songs each in the Top 40, together they command this percentage of the chart
The stakes were high for this peasant girl who was burnt at the stake in 1431
Joan of Arc
"The Phantom Menace" was the first film he directed since the original "Star Wars" in 1977
George Lucas
"If you're" this "and you know it, clap your hands"
It's the fear of narrow or enclosed spaces
If Dave eats 3 Twinkies a day, he'll devour this many in January alone
This teen "asp"ired to be Egypt's queen but had to share the throne with her little brother, Ptolemy XIII
This Hutt, an unscrupulous crime lord, introduces the racers for the biggest podrace of the year
Among her parts we "plumerai" are her tete, bec & yeux
White-sided & bottle-nosed are types of this mammal
If Abby jogs 2 miles a day around a 1/4-mile track, she does this many laps in a week
This "Good King" of Christmas carol fame was a teenage ruler of Bohemia
Using spare parts, Anakin built this protocol droid to be a household servant
It's what caused my meatball to roll off my plate & onto the floor
A sneeze
(What's up, what's up? This is Shawn Stockman from Boyz II Men) An Oscar-winning 1993 Bruce Springsteen song mentions this city where my group first formed
Hank's mobile home is this long, 1 3/4 times longer than his 8-foot-long car
14 feet
This mystic's misspent youth in his native Siberia was noted for its debauchery
Needing repairs, Queen Amidala's starship landed on this planet where young Anakin Skywalker lived with his mom
It follows "A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle, that's the way the money goes..."
Pop goes the weasel
One of Ben & Jerry's most popular flavors of ice cream, it's named for a Vermont band
At 50 cents a dog, it's how many dogs Jill will have to walk to buy that $43,500 Porsche
Isabella II, a teenage queen of this country, survived an assassination attempt in 1847
Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn fights a deadly lightsaber duel with this evil Sith apprentice
Darth Maul