What is the definition of a trigger?
A stimulus that causes a reaction, often an emotional or psychological response- can be physical, emotional or behavioral
Name 2 effects of bias in the workplace
unequal treatment, hostile work environment, limited diversity, low employee morale, unfair hiring decisions
A mental and physical state of exhaustion that can occur in people who care for others who are suffering
True or False: burnout only affects people in high pressure jobs
$100 every quarter
True of False: Triggers can only cause a physical response.
False. The response can be physical, emotional or behavioral
Fact or Myth: Self care is only for people with poor mental health
Another well known term for compassion fatigue
secondary or vicarous trauma
Identify 2 causes of burnout
high work loads, financial stress, illness, lack of supportive relationships, highly demanding work environment, inadequate pay, poor communication, limited growth, poor leadership
How many mental health days are available every year?
Negative reactions while engaging with clients can set poor example, Possible confrontation with coworkers, Increases risk of burnout
Name a benefit of self care
improved physical health, increased self confidence, increased productivity, improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, increased resiliency, increased motivation
How does burnout differ from compassion fatigue?
Compassion fatigue: usually involves caregivers/helping profession, more rapid onset
Burnout: emerges over time, general workplace stress,
Name 3 symptoms of burnout
headaches, sleep disturbances, change in appetite, hopelessness, loss of motivation, fatigue, decreased work performance, fatigue, irritability
How many hours of PTO are available for full time employees?
120 hours
intense and immediate vs. moderate and recurring, personal trauma vs workplace challenges
True or False: Affinity bias is the tendency to favor or prefer someone perceived as being physically attractive
False. Affinity bias is the tendency to favor people who share similar interests, backgrounds or experiences
Identify 1 cause and 1 symptom of compassion fatigue
causes: insufficient support system, frequent exposure to others' trauma, caring for others for extended time period
symptoms: sleep disturbances, feeling detached/numb, headaches, dizziness, reduced ability to empathize
True or False: workers who experience burnout are nearly 3x more likely to be actively searching for another job
10 minutes a day for 10 days. Upload the video to the group me chat or yumuuv
Identify 2 ways to cope with triggers
journaling, self reflection, deep breathing, set boundaries as needed, therapeutic intervention,
Identify 2 self care techniques
exercising, cleaning, spending time with loved ones, writing, listening to music, cooking, shopping, painting, playing with pets, massages, mani/pedi, etc
Identify 1 way to cope with/address compassion fatigue
seek supervision, therapeutic services, join support groups, relaxation techniques
Identify a way to minimize the effects of burnout
use PTO, mental health day, consult with supervisor, utilize company resources, self care techniques
Jerry Davis-EL