Function Prototypes
Short answer
Short code
pointer arithmetic

What does fread() return?

The number of objects (of size sz) it was able to read


what does the -"Wall" flag do?

enables warnings


What allocates memory for a variable-- a declaration or a definition?



Given the following FILE pointer variable definition, write the code  that will open a file named "hello.txt" for read-only access and print  a message of your choice if there was an error in doing so.      

 FILE *my_file = 0;

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    FILE *my_file = fopen("hello.txt", "r"); // Attempt to open the file for reading


    if (my_file == NULL) {

        // If fopen returns NULL, there was an error opening the file

        printf("Error opening the file 'hello.txt'\n");

    } else {

        // If successful, you can proceed with reading from the file

        // Don't forget to close the file when you're done




    return 0;



What is printed?

int x = 0;

int y = 0;

int *p = NULL;

p = &x;

*p = 5;

p = &y;

*p = 7;

printf("%d %d\n", x, y);

5 7


What is the function prototype of fread()?

fread(void *ptr, int sz, int number, File *file_ptr);


What does the "-g" flag do?

generate debugging information (i.e used for gdb)


Declare a structure, resistor_struct, which contains (in this order) an array of ID_LEN (=5) characters named id, a float named max_power, and an integer named resistance.

#define ID_LEN 5

struct resistor_struct {

    char id[ID_LEN];

    float max_power;

    int resistance;



Write code that will, without opening any file, check if a file named   "hello.txt" can be opened for read access.  Put the code inside the   'if' predicate:       

if (              ) {         

 /* Yes, we can open the file... */      


if (access("hello.txt", R_OK) == 0) {    

/* Yes, we can open the file for read access */ 



What is printed?

int x = 0;

int y = 0;

int *p = NULL; int *q = NULL;

p = &x;

q = p;

*q = 7;

printf("%d %d\n", x, y);

7 0


What is the function prototype for fseek() and the three whence constants?

fseek(FILE *file_pointer, int offset, int whence);



Write a single, valid command with which you would use gcc to compile a C file named abc.c into an object file xyz.o with warnings treated as errors and including support for debugging.

gcc -Wall -Werror -g -c abc.c -o xyz.o


int array[] = { 12, 5, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 2}; 

int *ptr = 0; 

ptr = &(array[2]); 

printf("size = %d\n", sizeof(array));

Assuming that sizeof(int) = 4, what was displayed?


size = 32


Write code that will, without opening any file, check if a file named   "hello.txt" can be opened for write access.  Put the code inside the   'if' predicate:       

if (              ) {         

 /* Yes, we can open the file... */      


if (access("hello.txt", W_OK) == 0) {    

/* Yes, we can open the file for write access */ 



What gets printed?

int x = 0;

int y = 0;

int *p = NULL; int *q = NULL;

p = &y;

q = &x;

p = 2;

q = 3

printf("%d %d\n", x, y);

0 0

What is the fcn prototype for char *strncpy(), and what does it return?

char *strncpy(char *destination, const char *source, int n);

it returns a pointer to the string copied.


Write a single, valid command with which you would use gcc to compile the C file named boiler.c, link it against the object file up.o, and produce the executable named purdue with optimizations enabled and adhering to the C17 standard. 

gcc -O -std=17 -o purdue boiler.c up.o


Can you "run" an object file if it contains the "main()" function?



Write a function named print_reverse that will open a text file   named "hello.txt" and print each character in the file in reverse.   i.e. print the first character last and the last character first.   The function should return the number of characters in the file.   Upon any error, return -1.    HINT: Use fseek() a lot to do this.

#include <stdio.h>

int print_reverse(const char *filename) {

    FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");

    if (file == NULL) {

        return -1; // Error opening the file


    // Seek to the end of the file to determine its size

    if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {


        return -1; // Error seeking to the end of the file


    // Get the size of the file

    long filesize = ftell(file);

    if (filesize == -1) {


        return -1; // Error getting the size of the file


    // Read and print characters in reverse

    for (long i = filesize - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        if (fseek(file, i, SEEK_SET) != 0) {


            return -1; // Error seeking to the specific position


        int ch = fgetc(file);

        if (ch == EOF) {


            return -1; // Error reading a character





    return filesize; // Return the total number of characters


int main() {

    int count = print_reverse("hello.txt");

    if (count >= 0) {

        printf("\nTotal characters: %d\n", count);

    } else {

        printf("An error occurred.\n");


    return 0;



Write a function called 'swap' that will accept two pointers to integers   and will exchange the contents of those integer locations. 

What would happen if you called swap like this:         

int x = 5;        

swap(&x, &x);

void swap(int *a, int *b) {

int temp = *a;    

*a = *b;   

*b = temp; 


x will remain 5.


What do many functions found in the string library (with prototypes in string.h) rely on to operate correctly?

null terminating character


Write a single, valid GCC command to compile two C files named 'main.c' and 'helper.c' into a single executable named 'app', with debugging and all warnings enabled.

gcc -Wall -g main.c helper.c -o app


Can you "run" an executable that contains a single function called "main()", and

Can you "run" an executable that does not contain a function called "main()"?


Yes and No

Write a function that defines a structure, initializes it, writes   it to a file called "struct.out", closes the file, re-opens the file   for read-only access, reads a single structure into a new struct   variable and then closes the file.  Print the structure contents to   the screen.  On any error, return -1.  Otherwise return 0.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef struct {

    char name[50];

    int age;

} Person;

int processPersonStructure() {

    Person person1 = {"John Doe", 30}; // Initializing the structure

    FILE *file;

    // Step 1: Write the structure to a file

    file = fopen("struct.out", "wb");

    if (!file) {

        perror("Failed to open file for writing");

        return -1;


    if (fwrite(&person1, sizeof(Person), 1, file) != 1) {

        perror("Failed to write structure to file");


        return -1;


    fclose(file); // Close the file after writing

    // Step 2: Re-open the file for read-only access and read the structure

    file = fopen("struct.out", "rb");

    if (!file) {

        perror("Failed to open file for reading");

        return -1;


    Person person2; // Create a new structure variable to read into

    if (fread(&person2, sizeof(Person), 1, file) != 1) {

        perror("Failed to read structure from file");


        return -1;


    fclose(file); // Close the file after reading

    // Step 3: Print the contents of the read structure

    printf("Name: %s\nAge: %d\n",, person2.age);

    return 0; // Success


int main() {

    if (processPersonStructure() == -1) {

        printf("An error occurred.\n");

    } else {

        printf("Structure processed successfully.\n");


    return 0;



And assume that p is initialized to point to one of the integers in arr.   Which of the following statements are legitimate?  Why or why not?      

1) p = arr;      2) arr = p;      3) p = &arr[2];   4) p = arr[x];    5) p = &arr[x];  6) arr[x] = p;   7) arr[p] = x;   8) &arr[x] = p;   9) p = &arr;      10) x = *arr;     11) x = arr + x;  12) p = arr + x;  13) arr = p + x;   14) x = &(arr+x);   15) p++;      16) x = --p;      17) x = *p++;     18) x = (*p)++;    19) arr++;    20) x = p - arr;    21)  x = (p>arr);  22) arr[*p]=*p;  23) *p++ = x;    24)  p = p + 1;    25)  arr = arr + 1;

1) T

2) F

3) T

4) F

5) T

6) F

7) F

8) F

9) F

10) T

11) F

12) T

13) F

14) F

15) T

16) F

17) T

18) T

19) F

20) T

21) T

22) T

23) T

24) T

25) F