Fairy Tales
Pillars of Culture
Author's Purpose

Blake was taking his dog for a walk, scrolling on his phone, when suddenly he heard a hissing sound and the leash he was holding flew out of his hand--along with his phone. What happened and how do you know? 

Blake's dog started chasing a cat and ran away. We know this because he heard a hissing sound and the leash flew out of his hand. 


I am the character who overcomes all obstacles to achieve their goals. They often go on many adventures and save the damsel in distress. Which archetype am I? 

The hero. 


What was the purpose for fairy tales in the 1800's?

To pass on traditions, and to scare children into obeying their parents. 


What are the five pillars of culture? 

Food, Fashion, Language, Traditions/Rituals, Music/Art. 


What does P. I. E. stand for when talking about author's purpose? 

Persuade, Entertain, Inform 


Jenna was sitting with her friends at a new restaurant in town. About an hour after she left, her stomach began to churn. She jumped up and headed for the bathroom. What is happening and how do you know? 

She is experiencing food poisoning. We know this because of the new restaurant and the stomach ache. 


I am the character(s) who aid the hero on their journey. I would never leave them or betray them. Which archetype am I? 

The Ally. 

The magical element in the Grimm's version of Cinderella is...

The birds. 


Give an example of a tradition found within the Grimm's version of Cinderella. 

The ball, Cinderella's chores, Cinderella praying for her mother. 


"Iocaine poisoning is poisoning that results from exposure to a number of forms of Iocaine. [4]Early symptoms include headache, dizziness, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, and vomiting."[2]

What was the author's purpose for writing this? 

To inform the audience of Iocaine poisoning. 


The twin boys were running around outside jumping in puddles, when suddenly their mother comes bursting out of their house and scolds them for being outside. What is happening, and how do you know? 

The kids are in trouble for playing in the rain. We know this because of the puddles and the mother's scolding. 


I am the character that initiates a change for the hero. I can be a good guy or a bad guy. Which archetype am I? 

The Herald. 


True or false, fairy tales are a good resource to learn about a specific country's culture? 



Culture plays a huge part in how we interpret literature, True or False? 



The slogan for MacDonald's is "I'm Lovin' It!" What is the author's purpose for this? 

To persuade customers to eat at McDonalds. 


A painter sat working at her easel for fifteen hours, when all of a sudden she feels her hand become slimy. She looks down and her hand was in the purple paint, and her hair was sticking to the easel. What happened to the painter and how do you know? 

The painter fell asleep at her easel. We know this because of her hand in the paint and her hair on the easel. 


I am the character(s) who show that nature is on the side of the protagonist. I am usually furry, or feathered. What archetype am I?

The Friendly Beast. 

What are two main differences from the Grimm's version of Cinderella and the 2021 version of Cinderella? 

The prince leaves his throne for Cinderella, Cinderella rejects the prince for her own dreams. 


Give an example of how music is used as a pillar of culture in the 2021 version of Cinderella. 

The guards announcing the ball, the Godmother's song, the love song. 


Kevin Hart is a professional comedian. What is his main purpose when writing his material? 

To entertain his audience. 


A farmer bursts into his house at 3 am and yells for his wife and children. They all run out to the barn and find their prize horse on the ground grunting and heaving. About 30 minutes later, the horse stands, and attempts to nurse. What happened and how do you know? 

The horse gave birth. We know this because the horse was on the ground and then attempted to nurse. 


I am the character who represents the evil side of motherhood. Which archetype am I? 

The Stepmother. 


What is one of the most obvious elements found within a fairy tale? 

The Magical Element. 


Give an example of how fashion played into the culture of 1812 Germany found within the Grimm's version of Cinderella. 

The stepsisters valued fine clothes, Cinderella only becomes noticeable when she is wearing the golden dress. 


What are the three types of Point of View and what are the key words to help the reader know which POV a story is in? 

1st, 2nd, 3rd. 

1st = I, me, we, us 

2nd = you 

3rd = them, they, he, she