Bill of Rights
Reconstruction Amendments
Suffrage Amendments
Presidential Amendments
Unique Amendments

What numbers are the Bill of Rights?

1st Amendment through 10th Amendment


What numbers are the Reconstruction Amendments?

13th, 14th and 15th Amendment


To have _____, means to have the right to vote



Define the 22nd Amendment.

The President cannot serve more than 2 terms.


Which Unique Amendment repealed another Unique Amendment?

The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment


What is the definition of the 1st Amendment (all 5 freedoms)

Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, assembly


What number amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.?

13th Amendment


What numbers are the Suffrage Amendments?

15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th Amendments


Which Presidential Amendment specifies who will succeed the President/Vice President if he/she cannot serve?

25th Amendment


List the Unique Amendment that is an extension of the 10th Amendment and correctly define that amendment.

11th Amendment - Citizens cannot sue other states or countries through the federal courts


What is the definition of the 4th and the 8th Amendments?

4th - No unreasonable search and seizure

8th - No cruel or unusual punishment


How did the 15th Amendment extend rights to African Americans in the U.S.?

It said the right to vote cannot be denied due to race.


The 26th Amendment granted the right to vote to who?

18 year olds


List the Presidential Amendments.

12th, 20th, 22nd and 25th Amendments


Which amendment created the Progressive Income Tax?

The 16th Amendment


The 9th and the 10th Amendment are almost the exact same, but there is one big difference. What is the difference between the 9th and 10th Amendment?

9th - Rights that are reserved for the people

10th - Rights that are reserved for the states


In order to be a citizen in the U.S., the 14th Amendment requires that you have to be _____

Born or naturalized in the U.S.


The number of votes that were counted in each election almost doubled after the passing of the 19th Amendment. How would this be?

The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote


How does the 20th Amendment make the transition into office smoother for a newly elected president?

The 20th Amendment specifies when the newly elected president will take office


There are 2 Unique Amendments that were created to limit the corruption taking place in Congress. List both of those amendments.

17th Amendment - U.S. Senators are now chosen by popular vote

27th Amendment - Congressional pay raises will not take effect until the next election


There are 2 amendments that make up your Miranda Rights. Correctly list the numbers of both amendments, and define both amendments.

5th - Right to remain silent (right to a trial by jury + no double jeopardy)

6th - Right to a lawyer (right to a speedy trial)


List at least 1 Jim Crow Law that impacted each Reconstruction Amendment. (3 total Jim Crow Laws)

13th - Sharecropping, Black Codes

14th - Separate but Equal Doctrine

15th - Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, Grandfather Clause


There is one Suffrage Amendment that grants people who do not live in a state within the U.S. the right to vote. List and define that amendment.

There is one Suffrage Amendment that outlaws a Jim Crow Law that resulted from the Reconstruction Amendments. List and define that amendment.

23rd - Citizens of Washington D.C. get the right to vote

24th - Outlaws poll taxes in the U.S.


List the Presidential Amendment that is aimed to fix the Electoral College and define that amendment.

12th Amendment - Voting for President and Vice President will be on separate ballots


What numbers are the Unique Amendments?

11th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 21st and 27th Amendments