Meds for Dyslipidemia
Neuro Unit
Drugs for Oxygenation
HTN/Diuretics Unit
GI Unit

What teaching would you provide regarding administration if it is a short acting statin?

take it at night 


Why should AEDs not be abruptly discontinued?

Increased risk of withdrawal seizures/status epilepticus


First line for acute bronchospasm?

First line for asthma prevention?

acute: inhaled beta agonist (albuterol) or inhaled corticosteroid with formeterol 

prevention: inhaled corticosteroids


thiazide diuretics- adverse effects and any teaching needed

AE: hypokalemia, hypotension, dehydration, hyponatremia, uremia 

Teaching: take early in the day,  monitor for symptoms of hypokalemia, maintain water intake 


Which drug class needs to be taken on an empty stomach 20-30 min before breakfast? H2 antagonist or PPIs.

What is the prototype drug for your answer?


Protoype: omeprazole


Common adverse effect of niacin and how it can be reduced.

Intense flushing and hot flashes

- take ASA 30 min before


Treatment for status epilepticus

What is IV benzos



What are the 3 reasons aerosol is a popular form of drug delivery for lower respiratory disorders 

1. act directly on the lungs

2. act quickly 

3. less adverse effects


potassium sparing diuretics: adverse effects

hyperkalemia, diminished libido, ED, menstrual irregularities


How does sucralfate work and what are the adverse effects?

MOA: creates a gel in the stomach that coats the injured area and protects it.

Side effects: constipation (most common), nausea, dyspepsia


MOA of fabric acid drugs and therapeutic use?

MOA: activates lipoprotein lipase which breakdown and eliminates triglycerides

Use: preferred drug for hypertriglyceridemia (often combined with a statin for greater reduction in triglycerides)


Most serious adverse effect of dantrolene and who has the greatest risk for it

What is hepatic toxicity/hepatotoxic death?

AFAB, over 35, taking estrogen


 Adverse effects, and teaching of inhaled corticosteroids?

Adverse effects: hoarseness, sore throat, dry mouth, oral candidiasis. Long term use can cause decreased growth in kids and osteoporosis in adults.

Teaching: rinse mouth after using, take Calcium and vitamin D (adults). Need to take this daily for it to work


loop diuretics : adverse effects

AE: hypokalemia, hypotension, ototoxicity, dehydration, hyponatremia  

strongest we have


Serious adverse effects of alosetron and what could be a sign they are occurring?

colitis, bowel obstruction, and death 

constipation is a sign 


Prototype of bile acid sequestrates?

How long do you need to wait to give other meds


give other meds 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after cholestyramine


Mechanism of action of donepezil and mechanism of action of memantine.

Donepezil: Prevents breakdown of ACh by cholinesterase (it is a cholinergic so it increases ACh levels in the brain)

Memantine: NMDA receptor antagonist so it blocks MNDA receptors which reduces glutamate)


MOA of intranasal decongestants and teaching needed?

MOA: activates alpha 1 receptors in the nose (vasoconstriction in the nose leads to shrinking of swollen mucus membranes)

teaching: discontinue after 3 to 5 days to avoid rebound congestion


beta blockers: what is the difference of selective versus nonselective?

selective only affect beta 1 and can be given to people with COPD and asthma


What is important to teach patients about the administration of psyllium?  

Take with a full glass of water 


Common adverse effects of statins?

Severe adverse effects of statins and nursing considerations?

Common: GI effects (flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps, N/V, constipation)

Severe: liver failure (monitor LFTs), myopathy and rhabdomyolysis (monitor CK levels and discontinue if any muscle or joint pain)


what are the serious adverse effects of valproic acid?

liver toxicity

box warning for potentially fatal hepatotoxicity and neural tube defects 


Drug class and common adverse effects of albuterol

class: SABA (short acting beta agonist)

adverse effects: tachycardia, palpitations, nervousness, tremors


Name the first line meds for hypertension


the first line meds for Black folks

1st line: thiazides, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCBs

Black folks: thiazides or CCBs


Prototype for H2 antagonists and food/drug interactions

Prototype: cemetidine    

interactions: antacids (give an hr before or 2 hrs after) and cigarettes (smoking decreases effectiveness)