The voice level in the hallway.
What is 0?
Type of behavior in class.
What is respectful?
Teacher of library.
Who is Mrs. Triebold?
What is 0 or 1?
The movement in the hallway.
What is walking?
Type of volume in class.
What is 0 or 1?
Teacher of music.
Who is Mrs. Triebold?
Back touches this.
What is back of seat?
The speed in the hallway.
What is slow?
Type of actions in class.
What is integrity?
Teacher of Phy. Ed.
Who is Mrs. Cyrtmus?
Bottom touches this.
What is bottom of seat?
The type of feet in the hallway.
What is clean?
What is (will vary)?
Teacher of Art.
Who is Mrs. K-B?
Type of acceptable drinks.
What is nothing/none?
The type of hands in the hallway.
What is hand to self?
Type of work ethic in class.
What is perseverance?
Teacher of Outdoor Labs.
Who is Mrs. Bunkelman or Miss Sandy?
Type of acceptable food.
What is nothing/none?