Week 1,2,3
Week 5
Week 13

Where do services take place for an IFSP?

Natural Environment 


Why would a family have to go through a grief process?

A family may grieve for the child they thought they would get to see grow up in the way they expected. They grieve the typical milestones they assumed they would see with their child. They feel guilt most times for bringing a child into this cruel world that they will have to struggle through


Describe backwards chaining.

Backwards chaining is when you prompt all steps of a task but you allow them to keep completing the last task on their own. You continue to do this until the child can complete all steps to a task independently


What is Phonemic Awareness?

Phonemic Awareness is knowing that words can be broken into smaller sound chunks. G-e-t  are examples of what we call phonemes.


Disability vs. Handicap

A disability is something that makes a task difficult to overcome. A handicap may or may not be caused by a disability. From my understanding people who are handicapped have disabilities but not everyone with disabilities are handicapped.


List 3 people that may be in a child's  IFSP team.

The team is full of people from family to teachers, to anyone that supports the child in their daily lives such as therapist and nannies.


What are family resources?

The family resources are the strengths and traits that each family member brings to the family and how it affects the  child and their needs.


What is an intellectual disability?

Intellectual disabilities are defined as low intellectual function and low adaptive skills.


What does RTI mean?

Response to the intervention


Exceptional Learner are...

Those who require special education and related services if they are to realize their full human potential.


Describe person first language

The person is a person before their disability. Their disability does not define them. Before anything else, teachers should treat children as people before considering their ability or disability.


What are 2 barriers to family involvement?

Time and cultural expectations are 2 barriers to family involvement.


What is AAC

Acc is Augmentative and alternative communication


What is dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is any disability related to math


What are the three types of ADHD?

Inattention, hyperactivity- impulsive, combination


describe what the Same Rights for All Children is

no matter the age, children have the same rights as adults. In addition children have rights that recognize their specific needs.


What is family centered practice?

It is where the family is the center of the support provided. The family is the decision maker, a part of the session, and involved in activities for their child's development.


What are some benefits to including movement and music in the classroom?

-Helps children work on following directions

-Helps children move their body and stay engaged to avoid problem behaviors

-Helps children learn hand eye coordination


What are some different language learning disabilities?





Why is FASD a Spectrum?

There are several ranges and diagnoses that fall under the umbrella of FASD.


What does NAEYC say DAP means?

DAP stands for Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Dap is knowledge of what is typical at the age/stage of child development, knowing what is characteristic of everyone’s interests, abilities and developmental progress, and knowing what is culturally appropriate.


What are the three CORE considerations of DAP?

1. Knowing about the child’s development and learning

2.Knowing what is individually appropriate

3.Knowing what is culturally important


What is aided and unaided AAC?

Aided uses a tool

Unaided is sign language and gestures


As an educator, what are some things you should look for in a preschooler to detect ?

 We can look for problems discriminating number quantities with preschoolers. They may have a hard time understanding when there is space in between numbers on a line. Children may also have a hard time understanding the relationship between the number symbol and the number quantity, may not understand that 7 means 7.


What is the first and often most effective treatment of ADHD?

Behavioral interventions are the first and most effective treatment due to it strengthening  goal behaviors and lessens the problem behaviors and can be started at an early age.