
This playwright, known as the "Father of Greek Tragedy," is credited with introducing the second actor to the stage.

Answer: Who is Aeschylus?


This Roman playwright is known for adapting Greek comedies into Latin, often featuring witty dialogue and stock characters like slaves and tricksters.

who is Plautus


These types of plays, popular in the Middle Ages, told biblical stories and were often performed in cycles by local trade guilds.

Answer: What are mystery plays?


In Greek theater, this group of performers would sing, dance, and comment on the action of the play.

Answer: What is the Chorus?


Roman theaters were built in this type of structure, which was a permanent, open-air space for performances.

Roman theaters were built in this type of structure, which was a permanent, open-air space for performances.


This allegorical type of medieval play featured characters that personified virtues and vices, teaching moral lessons.

Answer: What is a morality play?


This play by Sophocles tells the tragic story of a king who unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother.

Answer: What is Oedipus Rex?


This Roman playwright wrote tragic plays that were heavily influenced by Greek tragedy, featuring violent themes and moral dilemmas.

Answer: Who is Seneca?


Medieval theater was primarily performed by these groups of people, who were not professional actors but rather craftsmen or townsfolk.

Answer: Who are guild members or amateur actors?


This Greek philosopher and playwright is known for writing about the internal struggles of characters, often in a morally complex manner.

Answer: Who is Euripides?


In Roman comedy, this is a common plot device that involves confusion and mistaken identities, often leading to humorous situations.

Answer: What is mistaken identity?


This movable stage used in medieval mystery plays allowed performances to take place in various locations around the town.

Answer: What is a pageant wagon?


The Greek concept of catharsis refers to this emotional effect that the audience experiences after watching a tragedy.

Answer: What is emotional purification or purgation?


In Roman theater, mimes were often associated with this type of performance, which included improvisation and physical comedy.

Answer: What is improvisation or physical comedy?


During the early Medieval period, theater performances were often staged by this institution, which had a significant influence on the types of plays performed.Answer: What is the Church?

Answer: What is the Church?