How do you say "brothers" in spanish?
Fill in the blank with the correct form of Ser/Estar.
I am from Michigan.
_____ de Michigan.
What is a positive command?
Telling someone to do something.
How do you say "my dad" in spanish?
Mi padre
How do you say "younger" in Spanish?
Gift/present in español is....
Fill in the blank with the correct form of Ser/Estar.
I am in the living room.
_____ en la sala.
How do you command someone to "wash the dishes" in español?
Lava los platos
How do you say "our kids" in español?
Nuestros hijos
How do you say "better" in español?
"to cut the grass" in spanish is....
Cortar el césped
Fill in the blank with the correct form of Ser/Estar.
My dad is a doctor.
Mi padre ___ un doctor.
How do you command someone to "Cut the grass" in español?
Corta el césped
How do you say "your cousin" formally in spanish?
Su primo
How do you say "worse" in Spanish?
los invitados
Fill in the blank with the correct form of Ser/Estar.
They are sick.
Ellos _____ enfermos.
How do you command someone to "set the table" in español? (irregular)
Pon la mesa
Translate the following into español: "My uncle is the brother of my mom"
Mi tío es el hermano de mi mamá/madre.
Translate the following to español:
I am taller than my best friend.
"To iron the clothes" in spanish is....
Planchar la ropa
Fill in the blank with the correct form of Ser/Estar.
We are very good people.
Nosotros _______ personas muy buenas.
How do you command someone to "make the bed" in español?
Haz la cama