Health and Beauty
The Mad Genius
Essay Writing
Who knows?

Three of the (many) humorous devices

What are (for example) satire, slapstick, black comedy, ambiguity, irony, sarcasm, pastiche?


The belief that fat people are worth less than slim people, or that their weight make them a burden on society

What is fatphobia?


The name of Sylvia Plath's only novel

What is "The Bell Jar"?


The main focus of an analytical essay, presented in the introduction

What is a Thesis Statement?


The correct terms for someone who writes plays.

What is a playwright?


The three theories about humour

What are the superiority theory, the incongruity theory, and the relief theory?


What is considered peak beauty, often an unachievable idea of how your body should look. Has changed a lot though time.

What is beauty standards?


The myth that all great artists suffered from some kind of madness, which fuelled their artistic genius. 

What is the myth of the mad genius?


The first sentence of a paragraph presenting an analytical claim about the text, followed by a quote (example)

What is a point (P)?


The "rules of the language", explaining things like word order, congruency etc. 

What is grammar?


The humorous device used when criticising the flaws of society, hoping to drive a change. Often used when poking fun at politicians. 

What is satire?

A type of influencing prevalent in the health communities on social media - usually focused on diet and exercising.

what is fitfluencing?


The two ends of the spectrum of "the mad woman"-trope.

What is the mad woman, who feels everything and the mad woman who feels nothing?


Three examples of good linkers

What are Furthermore, Moreover, in addition, secondly, Nevertheless, despite this fact, however, similarly, likewise, etc?


The guy famous for saying "To be or not to be". Also the name, and main character of a play we'll read next year. 

What is Hamlet?


The Irish playwright who wrote "Waiting for Godot"

Who is Samuel Beckett?


Some of the consequences of exposing (especially) young people to unrealistic beauty standards through social media and other platforms.

What is (for example) eating disorder, imposter syndrome, unhealthy eating/exercise habits, risky/cheap plastic surgery, use of supplements (or drugs), etc.?


The names of three poems written by Sylvia Plath

What are Lady Lazarus, The Applicant, Fever 103, Ariel, Daddy, Wreath for a Bridal, Face Lift, Heavy Women, Edge, etc?


How long a quote/example should be.

What is max. 3 lines?


The phrase you should NEVER EVER use to introduce a point or an opinion - coincidentally also one of Alberte's biggest pet peeves. 

What is "I feel like"?


The difference between a humorous device and a theory of humour

A theory of humour explains WHY we laugh at something - because it makes us feel better than someone or because we are relived. A humorous device explains HOW we are made to laugh - because someone falls down or because we understand the irony. 


Ways you can spot fake health and/or beauty advice on SoMe.

What is being critical, doing research, checking credentials, trusting your gut, removing focus from "looks" to *"the enjoyment of movement", etc.?


The pseudonym under which Plath first published "The Bell Jar". 

What is Victoria Lucas?


The two most important things to have in your essay, on a generel level.

What is a "rød tråd" (coherence) and analytical substance?


A 14-line poem, using the rhyming scheme ABAB CDCE EFEF GG, often about love. Shakespeare wrote a lot of them. 

What is a Sonnet?