Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

What is the term for journalism performed by non-journalist members of the public who are witnesses and recorders of major events

Citizen journalism 


What two tech giants are involved in a controversial bill surrounding Canadians' access to journalism?

Facebook and Google


What publication was the subject of an article that Randy posted about massive cuts to the organization?

The Montreal Gazette


What is one of five recent federal government measures to bolster Canadian journalism

• Local Journalism Initiative
• Journalism business/labour tax credit
• Enhanced opportunities for journalism charitable status
• Digital subscription tax credit
• Bill C-18 


It's common for an opinion article by an unnamed source like the one in the Globe and Mail to be published.



What is the one of the earliest most prominent examples of citizen journalism?

JFK assassination


What is the name of the bill proposed by the Canadian government to try and send more ad revenue the way of journalism outlets?

Bill C-18


Who created Wikileaks?

Julian Assange


Name two financial challenges facing Canadian journalism today

• Collapse of traditional business model
• Main advertising revenues siphoned by Google, Facebook
• Newspaper classified advertising lost to Kijiji, craigslist
• Total revenues down 60 per cent between 2010 and 2020
• More than 300 newspaper closures in Canada since 2010
• Job losses, more precarious employment for journalists
• Reduced/impoverished news coverage for Canadians
• Digital news growth promising but not enough to compensate


Name two of the main Fox News hosts involved in the scandal surrounding their coverage of the "stolen election" story?

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity


What award did Darnella Frazier win for her recording of George Floyd's murder at the hands of Minneapolis police officers in 2020?

The Pulitzer Prize


Name one of the four people who killed the "old business model for journalism" according to Randy.

Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web), Mark Zukerberg, (Facebook/Meta), Craig Newark (Craigslist) and Krishna Bharat (Google News)


Why were the layoffs at the publication that was discussed in the week 8 lecture, as well as the reading particularly problematic?

Because it is the main English newspaper in Montreal


How much have general revenues of Canadian journalism institutions fallen between 2010 to 2020



Who was the whistleblower in the Chinese election interference story?

Trick question: we don't know


Randy used an example of citizen journalism in Ottawa during this lecture. What was it?

LRT incident where a train broke down in freezing conditions


What 149-year-old Canadian newspaper announced its very last print edition on Jan. 29?

The Guelph Mercury


Which American presidential candidate had the aim of "institutionalizing whistle-blowing"?

Ralph Nader


What was Canada's first English-language publication registered as a non-profit organization?

The Narwhal


Why did Randy call the actions of Fox News an example of "insidious and perverted journalism"

Because they were knowingly misleading viewers in order to receive higher ratings


What was the name of the CTV journalist who interviewed the hair of the Ottawa Transit Commission? (A clip that Randy showed in class)

Robyn Bresnahan


What are the four key traditional revenue sources supporting journalism?

Advertising, consumer-purchased content, government funding and donations/foundations


What does Joanna Gualtieri advocate for in regards to Canadian journalism?

Legal protection for whistleblowers


Who is Canada's minister of heritage (who we saw interviewed on CBC about Bill C-18)

Pablo Rodriguez


What was the name of the Fox News journalist who enraged Tucker Carlson when she fact-checked a statement by Donald Trump?

Jacqui Heinrich