What is the name of the government agency that works with space?
What do we call someone who is trained, equipped, and deployed to work in space.
An Astronaut.
What is a large spherical object in space that orbits a star?
A Planet
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
What year was Frankenstein written?
What is the third planet from the sun?
Where are two astronauts currently stranded?
The International Space Station
What is contained in the universe?
How many moons does Saturn have
At least 60
Who was known as the "Mother of Science Fiction"?
Mary Wollstoncraft Shelley
What keeps gasses in stars together?
What year did the Roswell incident happen?
What is it called when a group of planets orbit a star?
A solar system.
Which planet spins on its side?
What is the name of the story we read in class and who was the author?
There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury
How many stars are in our solar system?
Who were the people who saw a UFO in 1961?
Betty and Barney Hill
What is a galaxy?
A group of solar systems called.
What is the closest planet to the sun?
What sci-fi book is about a future where books are banned and burned?
Fahrenheit 451
What does NASA stand for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
What does the word Astronaut mean in Greek?
Space Sailor
How large is the universe thought to be?
10 Billion Light Years in Diameter.
What planet is named after the Roman goddess of love?
What subgenre is Firefly considered?
Space Western