Effects on Victim and Children
Grief and Shame
Substance Use

What is mindfulness?

the practice of being aware of your current state of mind and surroundings without judgment or reaction.


What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Empathy is shown in how much compassion and understanding we can give to another. Sympathy is more of a feeling of pity for another.


What is attachment theory?

Attachment is the emotional connection you formed as an infant with your primary caregiver. According to attachment theory, pioneered by British psychiatrist John Bowlby and American psychologist Mary Ainsworth, the quality of the bonding you experienced during this first relationship often determines how well you relate to other people and respond to intimacy throughout life.


What is the difference between guilt and shame?

Guilt says, “I did a bad thing.”

Shame says, “I’m a bad person.”


Substance use can be defined as what type of coping strategy?



Dialectics is also known as the _____ path.



Name three types of effects of violence on victims?

Fear, Distrust, Anger, Resentment, Hate, Physical injuries, Loss of money or income, psychological scars, Insecurity, Loss of self-confidence, Humiliation, Hurt feelings, Embarrassment, Shame, Self-blame, Depression, Suicidal feelings, Apathy, Alcohol or drug abuse, Physical injuries, death, Spitefulness, revenge Sarcasm, Passive resistance, Confusion or ambivalence about you, Keeping secrets


Why is attachment theory important?

Understanding your attachment style shapes and influences your intimate relationships can help you make sense of your own behavior, how you perceive your partner, and how you respond to intimacy. Identifying these patterns can then help you clarify what you need in a relationship and the best way to overcome problems.


What is an example of an event that could prompt feelings of guilt?

Doing something you believe is wrong. 

Going against personal values. 

Not doing something you said you would do. 

Committing a transgression against someone you value.

Causing harm or damage to something, a person, or yourself. 

Being reminded of something you have done wrong in the past.


Name at least one other type of avoidant coping strategy?





What does dialectics teach us?

There is always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem

All people have unique qualities and different points of view.

Change is the only constant.

Two things that seem like (or are) opposites can both be true.

Honor the truth on both sides of a conflict. This does not mean giving up your values or selling out. 

Avoid seeing the world in “black-and-white,” “all-ornothing” ways.


What are three ways that violence effects children?

Doubting reality. Fear of doing wrong. Inconsistent limits and expectations by caregiver. Fear of expressing feelings. Inability to learn at school. Low self-esteem

Children may feel guilt & shame, think it’s their fault. May regress to early stages of development

Being put in the middle of "ghts. Children may take on responsibilities of parents & give up being children

Expressing anger in a way that is violent, abusive, or not expressing anger at all because of their own fear.

Copy abuser’s dominant and abusive behaviour. Copying victimised passive and submissive behaviour. Unable to express feelings or who they are.

Fear of physical safety. Inability to develop social skills. Feeling alone and different. Can’t have friends over because of the need to hide the violence. Keeping harmful “secrets”. Not trusting of adults.


Name the four types of attachment styles.

Secure, anxious, avoidant, anxious-avoidant/disorganized


What is one different type of shame word?

embarrassment, humiliation, self-conscious, shyness


What was the name of the exercise that you contemplated changing a behavior. 

Decisional balance exercise


Dialectics is the balance between what two things?

Acceptance and change


What type of parenting style has been shown to be the most beneficial to children?

Authoritative parenting

What are three ways you can work on creating a more secure attachment?

Learn about your attachment style

Examine your beliefs about relationships

Act opposite to your anxious or avoidant style

Increase your emotional awareness

Communicate openly and listen empathetically

Seek out others with healthy relationships

Minimize stressors


What is opposite action?

Opposite action is a dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) technique that involves deliberately acting in the opposite direction of your emotions to reduce their intensity


What is urge surfing?

Urge surfing is a technique for managing your unwanted behaviors. Rather than giving in to an urge, you will ride it out, like a surfer riding a wave. After a short time, the urge will pass on its own.


What is wise mind?

Wise mind is a term for the state when you can access your emotions and your logical reasoning.


What are five ways to nurture children?

Promote emotional security

Provide physical security

Provide discipline

Give time

Encourage and support

Give affection

Care for yourself

Provide trust and respect


What are the five types of love languages?

Words of affirmation 

Physical touch


Acts of service

Quality time


Name the opposite action for each emotion: 



Anger- gently avoid, act kind

Sadness- Get active

Shame- confide in people you trust


What is one way to practice urge surfing?

1. Acknowledge you are having an urge.

2. Notice your thoughts and feelings without trying to change or suppress them.

3. Remind yourself… It is okay to have urges. They are natural reactions to addictions and habits. Some discomfort is okay. I don’t have to change it. An urge is a feeling, not a “must.” I can have this feeling and choose not to act. An urge is temporary. Like any other feeling, it will pass on its own.