Defining the Relationship....
Ages and Stages
Hodge Podge
Red Flags (think minimums)

I am a form communication of uses arbitrary but socially agreed on signals (words and sentences) in a rule-governed system to convey meaning. 

What is language?


At this age my main receptive language skills are regarding face and attending to voice.  The answer is my main expressive language skill.

What is crying?


This is a 2 parter!

I am the ability to understand language and I am the ability to produce language?

1.  What is receptive language?

2.  What is expressive language?


I went to my well visit and wasn't speaking in 2 word sentences.  My pediatrician wants to refer me for speak therapy because I am ___ years/ months old and not meeting this milestone.

What is 24 months of age? 


This type of child directed language includes the use of child directed language with simple sentences and exaggerated intonation that helps with building the neural pathways for language development.  

What is baby talk?

*** this is not goo goo ga ga***


Analyzing milestones in the context of child's history and growth to ID those at risk for developmental delay

What is developmental surveillance?


At this age I can say mama and dada specifically and I am saying my first words. I am starting to follow simple commands, but usually need gestures to accompany.

What is 12 months of age?


Orphanages have profound negative effects on language development.  The Bucharest EI Project devastated that these negative effects could be eliminated by placing in foster care before this age.

What is 15 months?


I am difficult to understand.  My Mom can understand most of what I say, but my friend's parents and pediatrician can't.  I am three years old and they are concerned as less than ___ % of what I say is understood by unfamiliar adults.

What is 75%?


This is the term for a persistent delay of language acquisition in the absence of other developmental, health, or mental health conditions.

What is Specific Language Impairment?


I am the product of observation.  I come from assimilation (taking in info) and accommodation (revising existing mental structures).

What is learning?


This is a change in my EXPRESSIVE language skills that occurs between 4-6 months of age.

What is I go from cooing (vowels) to babbling (adding consonants)?


Don't be shy!  Of Disney's 2 dwarfs he is alphabetically first.

Who is bashful?


I am not able to point to things, I can't wave bye bye or follow verbal routines or I can't say mama and dada.  My parents and doctor are worried and referred me to therapy because they said I should be doing this by my current age.

Who is a 12 month old?


I am a disorder of planning and executing speech sounds.  Treatment typically requires an approach that emphasizes motor programming and learning to improve production of speech sounds.

What is childhood apraxia of speech?


I am a form of development that centers on thinking and problem solving.  I involve multiple domains including memory, representational competence, attention, processing speed.

What is cognitive development?


At this age I may begin to follow 2 steps commands and can speak in 2 or more-word sentences.  

What is 24 months of age?


Green eggs and ham is a great example of statistical learning.  Recurrence of words with statistical properties of sound sequences separating sounds into word like units.  How many different words are used in green eggs and ham?

What is 50?


I am an infant who doesn't yet laugh or babble I am not participating in reciprocal vocalizations and my doc is worried about it.  

Who is a 6 month old?

After infants produce their first word, I as a normal developing infant produce words at this rate until I reach about 50 words.  

What is 1-2 words per week?


I am described as the ability to learn and understand or apply knowledge to deal with a certain situation.

What is intelligence?


By this age for receptive language I should be able to point to body parts and follow simple commands.  I am slowly acquiring words and can participate is some basic conversation back and forth with single words at a time.

What is  15 months of age?


This celebrity and I actually share the same birth name.

Who is Whoopi Goldberg?


I cannot differentiate my name from other sounds and my team is worried.

What is a 9 month old?

Bonus points:  What other referral should be considered in all cases but definitely made here?


Video Daily Double!!!

At this age we would expect the patient to be saying the L sound correctly at a rate of about 50%.  

What is 3 years?

Bonus questions:  At what age do you expect 90% correct use of Rs and Ls.