How long did the Punic Wars last?
100 Years
This is the Roman god of lightning and weather, also called the King of the Gods.
What animal did the Romans bring with them when they sailed?
Where was Carthage located?
What did Carthage have that enabled them to beat the Romans on water that Rome did not have?
A navy.
Who did the Romans copy when naming their gods?
The Greeks.
What was the problem with the animals the Romans brought on their ships?
They got seasick and wouldn't eat.
What country was Rome in?
What was the name of Carthage's fiercest general?
Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto are all examples.
What animal did Carthage use to frighten and defeat the Romans?
What was the name of the Sea that separated Rome and Carthage?
The Mediterranean Sea.
What wrecked or crashed on a Roman coast, that the Roman's then copied and used to fight Carthage?
A ship.
The Romans called this God Neptune, and he was the god of the sea. In Greek religion, what was his name?
What did Carthage's animals do when they attacked that made them look larger in battle?
Open their ears to make their heads look bigger.
Where did Hannibal escape to when he found out his army was defeated?
Asia Minor.
When Hannibal found out his city of Carthage was defeated, what did he do?
He poisoned himself.
How many Olympians were there in Roman religion?
What did the Romans end up doing with the animals they brought onto their ships?
They threw them overboard.
What are there are a lot of in Italy that made it hard for invading armies to attack them?