Scripture Mastery
Book of Mormon
Doctrine, Principles, & Applications
Life Skills

“I, [Jesus Christ], have suffered these things for all.”

Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19


God Commanded Nephi to make how many sets of plates that covered the same time period?

What is 2?


In 1829, this was Hyrum Smith’s greatest desire

What is to participate in the Restoration of the Lord’s Church


We call this living in God’s presence and progressing as families

What is Eternal Life?


These are thoughts that are focused on feelings and not truth

What are distorted thoughts or cognitive distortions?


“How great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!”

Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16


Mortgaged his farm for the printing of the Book of Mormon

Martin Harris


He brought Joseph and Oliver back to his farm to finish translating the Book of Mormon

Who is David Whitmer?


For behold, the field is __________, already to __________. 

What is White & Harvest


Explain the vertical line vs the horizontal line

Vertical line is comparison and pride, placing value on actions or inactions, horizontal line is knowing that all Christ’s children are equally valued.


“The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–11


The Book of Mormon was first printed in this year



These two men were told to go and gather 12 apostles for Joseph Smith

Who are Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer


This brings Jesus Christ the most joy (See D&C 18)

What is the soul that repenteth?


This is the meaning of becoming perfected

What is to reach a distant end, to be fully developed, or to finish. It does not mean freedom from error, it means achieving a distant objective


“I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost.”

Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3


This book was translated in place of the 116 lost pages

Small plates of Nephi


These 3 men conferred the Melchizedeck Priesthood Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

Who are Peter, James, and John


Explain the skill of visualizing the Savior

During a struggle or crisis, imagine the Savior next to you. (Imagine a specific placement - is he next to you, sitting across from you?)

Think about what he would say to you and what you would say to him.


Differences between Stress and Anxiety 

Stress - Short-term, triggered by an event or situation (recognized threat) and can be managed by lifestyle changes

Anxiety - May not have an identifiable trigger, can linger or be long-term, excessive fear or worry even when there is no threat, can require therapy, medication, and self-care


“Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”

Doctrine and Covenants 6:36


Joseph was so grateful when these 3 witnesses were allowed to see the plates

David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris


The the outcome of the court case that Lucy Harris brought against Joseph Smith where Martin Harris’ was forced to testify?

What is the a dismissal of the case against Joseph after the judge heard the testimony of Martin Harris testified that he had the gold plates and was not lying.


Jehovah Rapha

The Hebrew name for "Christ, the healer"


Differences between sadness and depression.

Sadness - Triggered by a specific event and is a natural human emotion that passes with time

Depression - Many possible triggers, persists over weeks and months, overwhelms many aspects of your life