Place where an event can be hold: V____



Give two examples of the differences between the British English and the American English

Center- centre; favorite-favourite; canceled- cancelled...


Mention 3 things that need to be done before you move in a "new" house

  • Painter- electrician- professional- deliver- repair- install- to-do list- radiators- gas- electrical- sockets- plugs 

  • Progress- estimate- duration- completion- follow up with- lag behind- make headway


Mention 3 positions there are in your company.

CEO – Vice President (VP) – chief – key project manager – CFO – Financial Director – software engineer – junior team member – intern – temp – sales – technology and engineering – human resources – accounts receivable


Use at least 3 of this to describe a movie

Award-winning- critically-acclaimed- bomb- box office- a flop- a hit- a blockbuster- overrated

Plot- cinematography- special effects- scenery- plotline- spoilers

Avatar was one of the most critically-aclaimed movies of last year. Its special effects were amazing and the plotline was great. It definitely wasn't overrated.


When would you use this phrase: "We've hit a little snag"

When there is an unexpected issue


Make a sentence using: decide on, prefer, plan to/on, intend to

  • I prefer to train/ training employees in person.

  • We decided on having the conference at the hotel

  • How do you plan on demonstrating the culture notes? 

  • I plan to use that company’s services.

  • I intend to demonstrate our new Intercultural Program


Complete this with a main phrase:

... but Jane doesn't

... and he did

I want to go to the Christmas party...

I asked Jason to call the client...


Have you ever had to call the phone or internet company to solve a question? 

phone line - landline - high-speed internet - bundle - to transfer - service - location - to fill in/out [a form] - billing address - page error - credit card number - expiration date - security code - troubleshooting

Yes, I had a problem with my high-speed internet. they helped me toubleshooting the matter.


Use at least 2 of these to say why team-building activities are important:

team building - teamwork - icebreaker - interpersonal skills - challenge - conflict - trust - networking - motivation - morale - self-awareness

They can promote teamwork, build trust and morale in a team.


A phrase to ask for an opinion...

  • Do you think it's a good idea if...

  • What are your feelings on this?

  • … Do you agree with me?

  • What do you think about (our ideas for)...?

  • What is your honest opinion about...?

  • Honestly,…

  • Please be honest with me 


Say 3 things that had been done before you moved in to your current home

They had painted all the rooms before we moved in.


Ask somebodo for a small favor.

  • Will you please make sure to proofread it before you show it to me again?

  • Do you think you could tell her about this?

  • I wonder if you could help me with something.


Use one of these in a sentence:

Few, a few, some, any

There were few award-winning films this year.

Some people may believe its recent sequels are overrated.


Share three sentences to describe your organizational chart

  • He has four engineers working under him.

  • One team leader is above the other.

  • They are both at the same level.

  • The VP of sales works alongside the Director of Finance

Complete the phrase:

Thank you for...

Sorry for...

Thank you for taking time to attend the meeting

Sorry for being late


Complete the phrase:

Surprised by.... he...

Confused about... she...

Thinking of... I

Surprised by the prices for the service, he decided to do it himself

Confused about the amount of time it will take, she set two appointments for the afternoon

Thinking of how many people would participate, I bought more paper


Use: should, could,can and ought to to talk about movies

If you like romcoms, you ought to watch "blended", it's a great movie!


Use "used to" and "would" to talk about the past.

I used to take ballet lesson everyday when I was little. I would prepare myself and my mom would drive to the academy.


Tell us about a fender bender. What was happening? How did it happen?

Liability (insurance)- full coverage- driver- passengers- one-way street- two-way street- lane- headlights- rear-end- hit-and-run- head on collision- fender bender- swerve- tow/ tow truck