Vascular A&P
Diagnostic Testing
Diagnostic Testing
Surgical Interventions
Surgical Interventions

What are the 3 layers of blood vessels?

Tunica intima

Tunica Media

Tunica Externa


This test determines the amount of exercise that produces initial claudication and absolute claudication in people with PAD.

Treadmill Testing


Does an echocardiogram require informed consent?



This invasive type of angiogram is performed on vessels of the heart, head, and lungs to view areas of narrowing, aneurysm, or embolus.  Contrast is injected into the artery and images are taken via x-ray, CT, or MRI.



What nursing care must be provided for an arterial endarterectomy?

NPO after midnight

Explain the procedure

Regional anesthesia is preferred

Antiplatelet meds can be resumed after surgery


A vessel carrying oxygenated blood to the head

Carotid artery


The patient is suspected of having a DVT and prescribed a doppler ultrasound.  Does this test require a signed informed consent?



This non-invasive test evaluates circulatory status in the lower extremities and vascular causes for ischemic pain at rest.  The nurse will need a blood pressure cuff for this test.

Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)


This invasive type of angiogram show venous abnormalities in the upper or lower extremities, or venous anatomy before a surgical procedure.  Contrast is injected into the vein and images are taken via x-ray, CT, or MRI.



This surgical procedure is the removal of a blood clot via a catheter into the vessel to retrieve it or a surgical incision at the clot site.



The largest ARTERIES in the body

Conducting arteries


In this test, the nurse pinches a fingernail or toenail to cause blanching, removes pressure, and times how quickly the color returns to the nail bed.

Capillary refill test


The patient is scheduled for a CT scan.  Does the patient need to be screened for an iodine allergy?

Yes, if contrast is being used.


What nursing care must be done for an arteriogram or venogram?

NPO after midnight

Discontinue anticoagulants 3-5 days prior to the procedure


This procedure uses healthy veins to create a detour around the section of a blocked artery.  A large incision is made in the femoral area, a vein harvested from another part of the leg, and attached above and below the blockage.

Femoral-popliteal bypass


These vessels carry blood away from the heart



In this non-invasive test, a tourniquet is placed on the upper thigh after raising the leg to 90 degrees to drain venous blood.  The patient then stands.  The vein should fill from below in how many seconds?

35 seconds


Your patient is scheduled for a MRA and is concerned about radiation exposure from this test.  What is your response?

There is no radiation exposure from this test as the machine uses a super magnet.


What nursing post-op care must be done after an arteriogram or venogram?

Immobilize patient for approximately 6 hours

Assess for complications (bleeding, edema, pain)

Encourage oral liquids to flush contrast dye


What nursing care would be performed after a femoral-popliteal bypass?

Assess blood flow below the surgical site

Obtain a doppler if pulses cannot be palpated

Assess color, warmth, sensations of pain, and movement in the legs

Check surgical site for bleeding, erythema, increase in temp and REPORT

Elevate extremity at rest & ambulate as tolerated

NO sitting in chair for hours at a time


Veins deliver blood back to the heart via these 2 mechanisms

Respiratory pump

Skeletal muscle pump


TRUE or FALSE:  A chest x-ray (CXR) requires informed consent and questioning on whether the patient has an allergy to iodine.



This imaging test detects calcium deposits in arteries, assists in predicting arterial disease, and calcium deposits indicating atherosclerosis.

Electron Bean Computed Tomography


This surgical intervention is the surgical removal of the lining of the artery, including the plaque blocking it.

Arterial endarterectomy


What is sclerotherapy?

Injection of a solution into a varicose vein that irritates the vein lining causing it to collapse and stick together.

Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue and fades from view.