The Wright Brothers successfully completed the first man powered flight.
When was 1903?
The four traditional functions of management.
What are Planning, Organizing, Directing/Coordinating, and Controlling?
Forecasting Techniques and the Individual General Aviation Business in your area.
What is Understanding the Local Aviation Market?
The possibility of something being left over when the bills are paid.
What is Profit Motive?
The two different Industry Usages of Helicopters.
Civil and Military Aviation
The first manned untethered flight took place.
When was 1783?
The First Common Managerial Error.
The aviation version of owning a timeshare.
What is Fractional Ownership of Aircraft?
Dividing the Net Profits of the Business by its total sales.
What is the Profit Sales Ratio?
This main invention has helped with globalization of aviation
What is the internet?
Jet Engines become a necessity to create.
When was 1930?
What is every 8 minutes?
Helps the business owner understand the trends including the underlying factors causing them.
What is market research?
Profit Maximization, Satisfactory Profit, Non-Momentary Profit, Hobby/Business, and Social Responsibility.
What are Profit Objectives?
The Term FBO describes
What is Fixed Base Operator
The year the first commercial airline flight took place.
When was 1914?
Getting things done through others.
What is the Definition of Management?
The use of strategic communications to promote a company with decision-makers.
What is the definition of Aviation and Aerospace Marketing?
Forecasting Sales and Revenues.
What is planning for positive cash?
The blame usually falls on this person if a task was not done properly
What is the Manager?
The Airline Deregulation Act is put into place.
When was 1978?
Authoritarian, Participative, and Delegative.
What are Leadership Styles?
GA business must establish and maintain a positive public image for the total airport.
What is Marketing the Airport?
The intent of this ratio is that the business owner gets a similar amount of return as investing externally.
What is return on investment?
The Contribution Analysis describes
What is contribution of sales and advertising going towards profit?