What type of game does JeopardyLabs helps to create?
A Jeopardy style Quiz game
Do you need an account to create a game on JeopardyLabs?
No, but you need a password to edit your game later.
Can JeopardyLabs be used in mobile divices?
yes, it works on both desktops and mobile browsers.
How many questions can you include per category?
Up to five
Can you change the point values of questions?
No, they follow the tradicional 100 to 500 format.
How do teams take turns in JeopardyLabs?
The host controls the game and selects questions for teams.
Can you use JeopardyLabs without internet access?
No, it requires an internet connection.
Say some advantages of JeopardyLabs over physical boards?
It is reusable, easy to edit, and required no physical setup.
Say some ways teachers can use JeopardyLabs
To review lessons, or create interactive class competitions.
How do you share a Jeopardy Labs game with others?
By sending a unique URL.