I was /were the first one here.
I was the first one here.
Name one place we saw in Coloane Village.
boat pier, Lord Stow's, church, temple, egg tart statue, Fanta statue, etc.
Past tense of sit
It is healthy to eat lots of candy every day.
Past tense of do
Sonic was / were the fastest one.
Sonic was the fastest one.
Say one thing children must do.
Children must ____________________.
Past tense of eat
It is good to get enough sleep.
Change this sentence to past tense:
I see a blue frog.
I saw a blue frog.
Trevor and Tim wasn't / weren't in class this morning.
Trevor and Tim (They) weren't in class this morning.
*Daily Double* Name one part of the face, one flavour of ice cream, and thing you can do outside.
Which word is NOT irregular?
talked or saw
It is ______________ play with your friends.
fun / good / healthy
Change this sentence to past tense:
Mark has three basketballs.
Mark had three basketballs.
We __________ playing outside in PE class.
We were playing outside in PE class.
Use one sentence to describe yourself.
I am _________.
I have ________.
Past tense of make
It is fun to ______.
your idea of fun
True or false. This sentence is correct: Yesterday, I sleep for 10 hours.
False. Yesterday, I slept for 10 hours.
You ___________ on the bus this morning, ______ you?
weren't , were
1) years ago 2) last year 3) yesterday 4) tomorrow
The other three are past, but tomorrow is future.
Past tense of get
Give advice to some one who has a cold.
True or false. This sentence is correct:
My family went to Hong Kong Disneyland last Saturday.
True. It is correct! :)